My Mom Raged HARD :D PART 2

Ok so today it was my friend's birthday and i wrote her a happy birthday message on facebook saying like "Happy birthday jim! xx" And my mom started saying i should delete it and reput it so it says "jessica" instead of her first name and i was just like, "no -.-..."

So then she wrote some huge message on facebook to me about respecting your friend's choices etc instead of actually coming upstairs to say it.................... :| so i just deleted the post and never said happy birthday at all so i think she was pretty mad.

So then i started praccing with #bF and then like half way into the war my mom shouted to me to come downstairs to get my food, so i was like "yeahhh i'll be down when i'm done" so i can tell shes still mad cus she snaps at me and says "NO. COME DOWN NOW" and i still carry on playing, 15 mins later (we fullheld them at supply :XD) she comes into my room with my food and throws the plate on jims head (luckily none falls off somehow) and starts crying and shouting at me saying "YOU DONT HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR ME, YOU TREAT ME LIKE SHIT. I SPENT 3 HOURS MAKING THIS FOR YOU AND YOU & JIM SPIT IN MY FACE" And i hate talking to her when shes like this so i carry on playing and just say "k" (probably bad move)

So then she goes downstairs and throws all my food in the bin so i dont get to eat :D And then i hear her raging at my jim who has only come home from work like 5 mins ago and gets raged at straight away..
Then she comes up and tells me my mom has gone to spend the night at jims house -,-

All of that for a allegedly wrong name' on a bday message and me being late for food cus pracc iz serious business :D


what or who is jim?
my version is better & appropriate for children

Too stupid; didn't read
The level of intelligence found on crossfire drops dramatically as night falls it seems, from a stupid kid who is pround of been a comple pathetic son to a faggot
Who copies the pathetic kids story.
i never flamed you & even protected you from the harmfull words of my co - crossfirers about jews, but i will no longer do what you did not know that i was doing, but which i was, secretively and protective guardian way of protecting the weak
lol why u mad tho?
Stupidity makes me mad
you should leave cf immediately then!
Made me rofl
Why would you be such a dick to your mum really al1 i thought you were sound your clearly just another geek from the internet and at lan you fucking pathetic bf cunts don't even talk to anyone.

You think your so cool with your fucking grades but you'll never get laid so i suggest you quit trying to show us all your life and sort it out before you give an insight to your shitty little world.
if ya feel froggy, jump
hell yeah jino!
pff :( cutting wrists
i was joking don't do it man :( Please i love you.
you meant every single word of it :( you just dont know it yet pff
haha :D

nah i'm only disappointed we didn't drink together but nn m8 x
Let him do it.
man you are a fucking retard
i dont get the jim part !
jim is a shemale... :S
Quote"i wrote her a happy birthday message on facebook saying like "Happy birthday jim!"

It's Jimbo the female lad
ye pretty weird : p
you are an idiot.
more personal stories plz, I love em!

may I ask you what gender jim is? :D
Is this some kind of autism?

No, but honestly... Respect your mum you fucking piece of shit.
That is the woman that carried you for 9 months, had all sorts of nasty shit happening to her body due to that, gave birth to you which can be quite painful, spent a lot of money and a shitload of time on you to make sure you were fed, had clothes, toys, clean pampers and a roof over your head.

Think about that the next time you "need to prac hard"... Show some fucking respect, kid.
ceeohtwo is just parodying hste's original journal, though what you say still stands
Didn't read that nor did I know it was a parody on a different journal. But yes, it still stands :)
its parody for hste journals :D but comparing to hste i have to agree with you!
I think hes still just a leecher, failed his school and his dad really took his i-net/computer away for a while :D
mine? :D lool ^^ my dad didnt take anything away ^^ and i didnt fail anything :)
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