Linkin Park - The Catalyst (Official Music Video)

What's your opinion about it ?

Fucked up ? or rather new better way of LP ?
its shit :/
The first 2 albums were crazy good.. I think their management fucked up their music.. Especially in this song imo you can hear some nice screaming&guitar parts but they are overwhelmed by the mainstream pop parts in the song..
god, this sucked hard, don't like the way lp is going, i really loved the old style
Ein Fußgänger mit einem weißen Stock will vor Ihnen die Fahrbahn überqueren. Wie müssen Sie sich verhalten?

Warnzeichen geben und mit gleicher Geschwindigkeit weiterfahren

[x] Geschwindigkeit vermindern und nötigenfalls anhalten

Weiterfahren, weil Blinde die Fahrbahn nicht ohne Begleitung überqueren dürfen <- lolz
hängst du da immernoch? :D
nächste woche freitag theorie :'D
ololol :D gl
wie weit mit dem fahren?
nur noch nachtfahrt (montag) und 2 mal für praxis üben
also so gut wie durch, gut!
wie ist es so mit dirk? :D bei mir wurde er auch mal laut :D
ne ich bin ja ein guter fahrer ;D

ist selten so der fall....
ich weiss noch einmal :D da ging er ab, manchmal hat er auch nen schlechten tag -.-
musst du auch imme rso lange warten bis die nächste fahrstunde ist?
nö...konnte ja immer fahren weil ich keine schule mehr hab :P also vormittags
ok das ist gut, ich musste immer eine woche ode rlänger warten
Pff, what an anti-climax after the 'intro'.

Dont like it.
No U :/

U do like it btw?
u mad? it sux :/
I no mad :/

U mad?
Linkin Park sucks anyway.
oh my god, utter shit
its shit
The rapper should start making music with Fort Minor again :_(
It wasnt bad, but not great either. Liked the old LP way more.

Titlesong for MoH btw :=]
Oké, the song was shit :< The whole song sounded like an intro
just logged in to say "wtf is this"
id rather not listen cause they used to be good.
Disappointed with some of their new stuff. :\ RIP LP music :\

or the one where video was capturing in some tunel but i don't remember this one...
one step closer u mean ;) its on hybrid theory
yep one step closer... thanks!
yep, i miss old times too, like this:
pretty nice...for an intro/outro in an album
like they were ever good
new linkin park songs to use in fragmovies :)

the song sounds like never ending intro
:) New pendulum album is out too :P
wtf is this shit ? trance?
LOL not even close :p
i mean this is not linking park anymore.
ohhh :p yeah true they did change their style..
techno shit :X
New Divide was pure awesome
old stuff used to be rly good (first 2 albums??) but this track is as shitty as all their new stuff. gay emo vocals not enough electronic sound to it and a pop beat
hybrid theory was amazing
LP goes techno
WTF? are they nuts?!
wtf is that :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
I remember the days of listening to LP and playing WoW when i was like 14 (fuck i feel old) and yeah, that shit is really boring. I'd disband if I was them, it seems like they're just in it for the money which is never a good thing as far as im concerned.
linkin park used to be one of the best bands in the world (at least for me) and now they're going the mainstream way and produce shit songs.

rip (old) linkin park :'(
gay sheit
i can see a guitar but not hear it.
this electro-pop-softyrock is a bunch of bullshit!!!11
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