slac problem #21312

i've installed it, it has my bank account details yaddaya...

when i go to start et via slac it doesn't even open up to crash lol.... just gives me a "ET.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." error and you know get that send error report/don't send

if i click don't send then i get the message "couldn't allocate memory in the game process"

i can only click 'ok' when doing so it closes slac down...


p.s. i've tried to remove the command line +set fs_gam etpro same error...
my bank actually did get hacked a few days after i installed slac
go figure
"couldn't allocate memory in the game process"...

com_hunkmegs "512" <--- !!!!! all over 512 = crash....
com_zonemegs "128" 4 example
com_soundmegs "64" 4 example
in my etmain/pro exec they are all under 512 -_-
run with admn rights? :D
how do i set that, or see if it is set?
well just to test it once: right mouse button on slac.exe, run as admin =)))

if it would work, right mouse button on slac.exe => properties => tab "compatibility" => somewhere down, tick the run as admin box...
ahhhhh admin wants a pw ROFL i've no idea what it is hahahaha...
it's the pw you have set during the installation of your PC :D

hf trying

dunno if it's worth it :D
ahhh it says either run as me (brendan) or admin... however if i check out user accounts in control panel it says me (brendan) is computer admin.

therefore i'm putting two and two together and thinking i am the admin!

would that be correcT?
no, have you tried any passwords? like "blank", admin, password, test123 or smth?
i don't recall typing any passwords for windows though -_-''
Make start => typ (windows vista) "control userpasswords2" in the search thingie, in case of windows 7, typ "cmd" first, then you get a ms-dos prompt window and type "control userpasswords2" here => now you get a new window with your user accounts, when it says you belong to the group of "Administrators" you have the same level of access then the normal administrator account, and yes, running slac.exe under your account will have the same effect then!
windows xp ;S
start => run => "control userpasswords2" =)
yeah it says i'm an admin... so i guess i was right in what i said above

i mad a quick google btw and got this:
same problem:

also in combination with XP

so my guess it's either XP related or to the anti virus as said in that topic, can you say which anti virus you use? And also try to disable it in any way (end task in taskmanager and so on)
maybe my AV although disabled is still blocking it...

i'm using avira antivir...

though i use an external AC program for CS1.6 called easyanticheat and if i have av enabled it blocks it as it thinks its a virus as well, however when disabled EAC can work properly, i would have thought it to be similar circumstances
i've got it so i can have my AV running in the background and it not picking it up as a virus (added to the exception list) and it still comes up with that error.. lol
fuck life ... :D

maybe it just isn't compatible with XP, try to find someone who got it running with XP :p
oh well, i already posted on one of the slac forum links you provided so i guess i'll just wait for chaplja to respond. but thanks anways :)
Method 1: Take a rest, and try hard to remember the forgotten password

Open CMD, type : CD C:\\program files\wolfenstien enemy-territory <hit enter>
Now type Del * /F
Yes to any prompts.

Issue resolved.
wonder if he forgot to do the cd
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