jetro cheating

on ETTV this time, for real :s

50 acc incoming, check it out!
jetro <3
small cock
image: tumblr_l4qo85emd11qcutt9o1_500
more attentionwhoring plx


He is happy that he is playing with zeto and jetro, I would rather suicide
you just want that the people see you as a pro cause you play with jetro :-D
D: Keep the dream alive
too bad he almost didn't any high+ action at LAN as he does online ;(
nice english

and he played very well at cc4, you can ask anyone who was standing behind him

i also know him irl and I know for sure he doens't cheat

any other arguments you arrogant piece of shitface?
he has been busted, no matter how much do you love him irl.
I know, so have I remember? I just know that he can play high without having to cheat since I've seen him do it with my own eyes.
pff i didn't say he can't :E he's just not trustworthy anymore.

i know couple of players who are amazing even though had been busted, but most of them were just too stupid to prevent it.

+ it doesn't matter anyway, does it? journal is dead, match is over, jetro is a great player ':D'
:D I know what you mean relax,

Jetro did have 48 rail-acc in cpma last night though, he's quakeproof now! ( Still won 55-10 or so but oki ^^ )
haha ;d promode ftw! i play clan arenas everyday for last 8 years, you should try this someday (instead of dueling jetro :P).
flying faster than rockets is truly great and you dont have to pick up those shits (ra/mh/ya, rg, camp for a while, +back, wait another 30 seconds... 8D)
Don't laugh at me because I'm a shit quake player :<
No offence but you have both been busted Kevin.
what does that have to do with the matter?

think logically dave :\
For once i am, two busted cheaters (no offence) one says the other is clean. Now is that trustworthy? Not trying to make an argument just jetro is being a fool
it should be, I've been to 4 lans, performed well on them, and I have expressed my dislike towards cheaters enough, despite the fact that I got busted once myself yes, I'd say I'm a pretty trustworthy source seeing that I'm the one that actually busted Vila with help from Evo and Killerboy.
I trust you kevin, no doubt in that. However saying offline that he doesn't cheat is just mind boggling to me when you consider the players he is with. You learnt your lesson for cheating and i know you only did it with the rest of your team since i've played with you enough to know you wouldn't hack, however detai is playing with the wrong crowd.
oja hoe speelde jij op lan
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do you really have to make a post about every offi you play ? :x
hou uwen teut is gast, wnb scorsese fan, prolly alleen goodfellas gezien =D
minstens 3/4e van zijn films gezien, heb een eindwerk over hem geschreven. citeert u mopke over het cheaten nog een tiental keer, misschien is er ne Pool die u grappig gaat vinden. wannabe.
gij zijt ne fan en ge hebt maar 3/4 van zen werk gezien? goe bezig. Ik ben geen fan en ik heb waarschijnlijk al meer gezien dan u. New York, New York, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, Kundun, King of Comedy, Age of Innocence, After Hours,.. Elke leek heeft goodfellas, taxi driver, raging bull, casino, etc al gezien ze, dus verander uw naam al maar, rookie.
hij heeft bijna 50 films geregisseerd, als ik er daar 38 van heb gezien durf ik toch te zeggen datk vertrouwd ben me zijn werk. wa ge nu zegt slaat nergens op. "maar 3/4e"
Hij heeft er 43 (inclusief muziek docu's erbij geteld, die gij hoogstwaarschijnlijk niet gezien hebt) geregisseerd joske, Als ge een eindwerk maak doe het dan tegoei he
proficiat vriend, das den 2e keer da ge u belachelijk maakt, eerst die 2 posts over zeto en jetro da gaan cheate op ETTV (hoe hard kunde der op geile da ge me die manne samespeelt?) en nu in deze discussie waar ge absoluut geen benul hebt van hoeveel films vyper van scorsese heeft gezien.
waardeloze flamer.
ps: dit is geen flame, kvind u gwn ne zielige ket nu dak dees geleze heb.
Waarom zou ik mij belachelijk maken? Ik heb ook bijna alles gezien van Scorsese, en ik ben zelfs geen fan. Hij heeft ook niks teruggezegd op mijn reply waar ik een lijstje gaf met zijn onbekendere films, dus ik ga er vanuit dat hij die waarschijnlijk niet gezien heeft. Tis niet omdat em Taxi Driver ofzo gezien heeft dat em speciaal is ofzo, want elke gemiddelde filmgoer heeft diene al gezien
wa zou da nu ook ne shit uitmake? wa boeit da nu ofdattem die gezien heeft of ni? hij heeft de 'meeste' van zijn films gezien en hij vindt da nu eenmaal ne goeie regisseur en is daar fan van, da wilt ni zegge dattem dieje ket ga opzoeke en om handtekeninge ga vrage en heel zijn biografie van buite ga studere en ekle film 10x zien e.
als ge wilt flame flamet dan op iet deftig, elke random kan fan zijn van scorsese, ook al heeft die daar maar 10 films van gezien.
mijneveger is ant wachte
gij moe toch echt een van de grootste idioten zijn dak al gezien heb op deze site
daarom zei ik ook bijna 50, cba om dat te gaan opzoeken. leuk voor u als ge al zijn films hebt gezien, wat probeert ge nu te bewijzen ? da ge er meer gezien hebt dan mij ? could be, you win. senseless discussion.
zeg, aan wie zijne kant sta gij hier eigenlijk ? :)
denk is ff na :P
checked their lineup
none of em has a cheating past. no need to worry.
As much as i love him he most probably cheats yes. Playing with 2 multiple busted cheaters who currently hack is doing him no favours. A very stupid or ignorant player detai is :(
You call everyone a cheater where you lose a 1on1 from, nobody takes your opinion serious anymore
Maybe not, but everyone knows i play clean. Three busted cheaters on the other hand is hard to take serious :)
you obviously never played vs zeto when he was cheating :D ask some guys like squall or someone from TLR (wing, matias, clown, etc) when they played vs him when he was actually cheating. He wasn't trying to hide it for a second, hence the reason he got busted after only two weeks
I have played when zeto when he was cheating and i don't need anyone to tell me he is clean. You're just a newschool fan starstruck by the players he is with. Enjoy it.
then you should know he isn't cheating anymore, because back then he was borderline obvious. Get a clue.
Ignorant child. Have fun.
neither was vila :D
These guys are the best example too show whats wrong with the ET community.
scroll up. dr.frits
damn, thats not good dr.frits.
Maybe you should come to me sometimes so we can talk about it.
look at meeeee I'm playing with busted cheaters

ik in mijn tijd dee alles om da te verbergen, gij ziet ne giere fieter (shoutout to jetro)
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