GTX260 + drivers

I reinstalled windows 7 and I downloaded the latest drivers(256.**) and I noticed that my fps was abit dodgy. So I unstalled the drivers and got the 197.** version and I had a much mor stable fps.

So for those who have this graphic card aswell. Stick to the 197.** drivers untill the 256 has a stable version ;)
i have the latest and always 125fps...
ur sound already working?
i have installed the 258.96 drivers and stable 125fps :o that are the new one get them
yea I had those, thats the one I ment. FPS is really weird with that. (I have an XFX GTX260XT(comes overclocked out of factory, might be why mine is abit dodgy with those drivers)
260 suxx, 460gtx much better and stable fps
260 was the best card of its period. 460 is way newer and is best card of its period. It would be retarded to buy the best card on the market everytime there is a new 'best card' :P
waar vind je die drivers?
nvida page, put ur mouse on drivers and there is a subcategory that says beta and archived drivers

its in there
ik heb een ATI AEH4550

ik heb die al 1 jaar ofzo maar nog nooit geupdate ofzo waar moet ik dat doen ?

gewoon site van ATI gaan en op zoek gaan naar drivers van jou kaart ;)

Gewoon de nieuwste proberen, als je fps unstable is dan een versie eerder nemen.
ik heb de ATI Radion AEH 4550 ofzo maar kan nergens vinden op die ATI site :P

help pls :D
Heb je ATI Catylyst ofzo? die ati programma voor settings, die doet autoupdaten. ;) niet nodig bij atikaarten
Catylyst?:P nee denk het niet:P
Catalyst* dat zijn de Ati drivers voor alle ati kaarten. gewoon googlen ati catalyst

eerste link pakken :P
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