GTX260 + drivers
27 Aug 2010, 14:53
I reinstalled windows 7 and I downloaded the latest drivers(256.**) and I noticed that my fps was abit dodgy. So I unstalled the drivers and got the 197.** version and I had a much mor stable fps.
So for those who have this graphic card aswell. Stick to the 197.** drivers untill the 256 has a stable version ;)
So for those who have this graphic card aswell. Stick to the 197.** drivers untill the 256 has a stable version ;)
its in there
ik heb die al 1 jaar ofzo maar nog nooit geupdate ofzo waar moet ik dat doen ?
Gewoon de nieuwste proberen, als je fps unstable is dan een versie eerder nemen.
help pls :D
eerste link pakken :P