fu officer -.-

today got busted by the police. Driving 180 km/h with my uber cool 1.6 Renault Megane on an open road where the limit was 90 km/h. Gotta go to court next week. and the fine will be around 700 euros + the kind officer already took my license. fucking epic day -.-

image: logo-1219430439
Seems you drove way over the limit!
Only by DOUBLE so seems a little unfair!
Life is just unfair :)D
who the fuck goes 180 where you may only go 90 wtf??!?! :D 120 would be okay but 180 XD
there ar people who drive 120 in the 30-Zone :)
hahahaha suits you well
today I drove through the orange light.. suddenly 500m further a police car was behind me -_- I hope they didn't see it cause I could easily have stopped..
shit happens :/
You are proud of it.
lol u mad, this will be loads of sold peaches in vain

my point exactly, that's my biggest regret.
its still pretty retarded to drive that fast when its 90

nevertheless,+1 on fuck the police
Not the police fault you were so stupid. There's a time and place for speeding &_&
Just stupid doing 180kph during day time regardless of the road. I have no problem doing 250kph+ but as I said time and place :PPP
hf losing license if ur not trollololing
I doubt your MG runs more than 200kph though you might be talking about doing a 250+ in general. :P
My 'new' MG isn't on the road yet as I just got a new engine for it! I've been driving a 200sx for about 4-5 months now :)

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n1 remembering my MG : (
Personally I'd go for the 200SX as its easier to tune and looks fairly better than a 'English Golf' but well thats just my taste. I like them Japanese Cars such as Skyline, NSX, EVO, Supra, RX7 etc. :O).
Jap is the way to go, but not when you have no money :D Which is why I'm selling my 200sx for the time being! Studying car mechanics atm which is 3 years in total. So will get another after :P
Nice. Always thought you're studying somewhat Designing / Photography. :P Anyway good luck with your cars no need to wish fun as you defitnely will have. :D
I done photography + digital imaging previously yup! But now doing car mechanics, will work with my dad @ his garage then too! :PP
Small dick.
ooh ooh it's the sound of the police
aaah sebastiaan vriend
hey sebastiaan
leuke fotos op je hyves vriend ! Ik kreeg ze als popup op de homepage van hyves. <3
ahahahah ja renesse de gekste he
hf taking the bus during the next months
nice:D atleast u had some adrenaline rush driving 180 <3

tho bibuy license and 700 eur kinda sux but yeah
adrenaline rush when driving 180...pussy
adrenaline rush when driving 180...pussy
you jus mad coz we are autobahning on you
"Fuck the police" ?

Your own fault there, fuck you.
no fuck you, you fucking squirt
fail fail, too bad for u but cool story thx and i dc gtfo
wow, didn't expect you around here :~>
Hi mate ;)
deserved. next time die
Serves you right, you insane fucker. Thankfully you didn't kill anybody, although it would've been kinda cool if you smashed yourself in a wall with 180 km/h.
Lucky u didnt die there fucktard
too cool to be real...
Hit a wall next time :)
get slower car or buy plane :]
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