my brother cheated
29 Aug 2010, 05:26
Just read that maus & brother thingy.. dont give a crap who of them cheated but i dont rly get how it got proven that it was his brother.. maybe its because i should get some sleep :(
here is the story:
2 pc´s same ip (twins !)
pc1: day
pc2: night
both have facebook
both have cb acc
both have cf acc
both have esl acc
both have the same cfg
both are lesbian
day is the super ec and lan owner and never cheated. night is the big ego noob who rages cause he lost a mix and starts to cheat. he is getting kicked.
How do you know that night was cheating? It could also be day who went to night´s pc and cheated around.
Also: kevlar said that he gave the priv slot pw to maus some time ago. How comes his brother connected with priv slot pw if he wasnt on maus´s pc? (ofc maus could have given him the pw.. but a random kid who never rly plays ET knows the bio ip + priv slot pw?).
What if i play at school where 1000 other people may play too and one of them is cheating? same ip, random school pc, random cheater
gn8.. will read the comments when i´m back frm the beach or maybe after breakfast
here is the story:
2 pc´s same ip (twins !)
pc1: day
pc2: night
both have facebook
both have cb acc
both have cf acc
both have esl acc
both have the same cfg
both are lesbian
day is the super ec and lan owner and never cheated. night is the big ego noob who rages cause he lost a mix and starts to cheat. he is getting kicked.
How do you know that night was cheating? It could also be day who went to night´s pc and cheated around.
Also: kevlar said that he gave the priv slot pw to maus some time ago. How comes his brother connected with priv slot pw if he wasnt on maus´s pc? (ofc maus could have given him the pw.. but a random kid who never rly plays ET knows the bio ip + priv slot pw?).
What if i play at school where 1000 other people may play too and one of them is cheating? same ip, random school pc, random cheater
gn8.. will read the comments when i´m back frm the beach or maybe after breakfast
apparantly its proof, as in SLAC you cannot use a guidspoofer
argue with him, not me
shows exactly how I feel after reading first couple sentences
I was banned on ESL because of my brother. He was on fusenlist, so was i because of same ip. But he cheated in cod2 when i was 8 months away in hospital. My brother and me both proved it was him, because i dont even play cod2, i was in the hospital. And i dont have cod2 guid.
So i was removed from the list, still ESL didnt remove my 5 years ban or something :D
I am glad CB didn't ban on fusenlist. Another reason why ESL sucks. Banning on a list that is not accurate.
maus was bad example tho for his little brother since maus also was cheating in the past. I am allways trying to make sure my brother doesn't use any cheats.
because he said that he used a cheat 1 time -.-
Well, thats the responsibility of the owner of that pc I guess? If my brother would cheat on my pc, everything is linked to me, I can't prove that it wasn't me then.