leave Maus alone ! ! !

i saw that beasty was using what id said as proof to his crazy theories about maus getting busted and thought id better put my 2 cents in!

his brother when he connected to bio was absolutely low/mid skill . thats why i asked him where he got the password from, to which he replied "sorry, im maus' brother, he gave me it" , i asked him not to use it again and he hasnt....

im a maus fanboy, and all this shit about how he's used this and used that is all just bullshit people have said over the years, hes a top player and noobs always look for a reason as to why hes better than them.
unfortunately, maus' dipshit brother has now took an interest in et and decided he wanted to be like his big brother, but to get there hes cheated (probably got it off zeto :P ) , without his brothers knowledge, and now all the same noobs are fapping over him getting caught.....

think about it....

maus' wins just about everything there is to win in et. then decides to download a hack and use it on a public? for what? he owns publics daily to the point he gets kicked for hax anyway by lowskill admins ( cough* ahem, not me of course :P ) (and yes i kicked reload the other day too dammit, apologies again reload haha, use your real nick! :P )

its all just stupid overinflated bollocks that the crossfire trolls are loving.

Maus rocks! his brother doesnt :<
good morning.
fanboy :D
Why not. If I got bored and I had a good explanation to blame someone, why not to test some cheat in some random public. Though in my case it would be too obvious skill-boost and I haven´t got big enough e-buddies to vouch for me after getting caught.
You got me, I'm pretty big :-)
Why the fuck are you a mAus fanboi? Really. What the fuck.
im actually in an impact fanboi, because evo and i make sweet love a lot. now maus is with them , my life is complete...
sounds like you need a cuddle
unbanned my subnet or decided to not? was expecting a reply PM with your decision m8
" i can live without bio :] " were your last words to me :O didnt think you wanted me to try, pm me your ip dood.
Quotemaus' wins just about everything there is to win in et. then decides to download a hack and use it on a public? for what? he owns publics daily to the point he gets kicked for hax anyway by lowskill admins ( cough* ahem, not me of course :P ) (and yes i kicked reload the other day too dammit, apologies again reload haha, use your real nick! :P )

That doesn't mean that they aren't interested in cheats.. They have to play hours daily to keep their level so cheats would make it much easier :)

I'm not saying anything about the "loal maus got busted case" but I jsut wanted to break down your statement ;) x
"They have to play hours daily to keep their level so cheats would make it much easier :) "

youre not serious are you ?
what's not true about that?
the point is that they do play, every day, or close to it, for hours at a time to keep up a high level, scrimming and making new tacs. by your way of thinking, hes played to get to a high enough level to actually be able to use a hack to keep at that level? haha :< youd see it straight away man.... you know you would.
Ofcourse mAus doesn't cheat but he could easily start doing it without anyone noticing it tbh.. also because weird actions would be instantly be called "he is just high skilled"..

look it like this way, by his naturel playing he is high+ but if he would play less and be med+ then he could just use a cheat wich would only make his accuracy a bit higher.. I doubt that anyone would notice it ;)

again, I don't believe he cheated :)
but they would notice it. theyd notice as soon as his aim snapped to a head and humanised aim is so easy to spot if you actually take the time to look. cheaters arent very smart , look at mini and his bust recently, it was rediculous to watch as he wasnt clever enough to hide his wh. i understand what youre saying mate, i just dont think it applies to maus in any way :<
Quotei understand what youre saying mate, i just dont think it applies to maus in any way :<

so basically people who are good at the game got a free pass to cheat?
thats not what i said in any way? what im saying is that is pretty obvious to me that it wasnt him....
yes but no one can guarantee that
maybe it was him and since he is mAus he thought: oh even if i get busted no one will believe it so lets try some cheats for fun :))))
i was going to use the tiger woods defence, but he fucked that shit up for me....but he only cheated on his wife :P

guys at the top of their field, wether its et, snooker, football or golf (fuck you tiger), dont have to cheat, but they do sometimes have to use "enhancements" to stay at the top of their game!

wait, did i just prove your point? :P
u tell them
why should i care? you cant prove who it was as he used new guids, therefore just ban both to be on the safe side
happy sunday sexy! o/
u2 you hot scottish mofo :D
Fact is maus knew his brother is cheating and maybe he also played with cheats at his laptop .

I dont care , but if hes busted maus maybe have to bear the consequences
but then where do you draw the line on cheating?

is it ok to cheat on public but play offi's, lan etc... without them :S
"Fact is maus knew his brother is cheating" Eh? He knows now that he cheated yes, but where does it say that he knew it before?
Or, thats just what you want it to be, I bet that there are a LOT of people who just WANT to see mAus' getting busted -.-
Come on , if your brother starts playing ET u arent care , u watch him play , give tips what else and im 100% sure if my brother would cheat i would knew it .. thats just a fact , noone wouldnt hide the cheats from his own brother also like playing with the cheats and brothers laptop

fact is he knew it thats all what i think about it
QuoteCome on , if your brother starts playing ET u arent care , u watch him play , give tips what else and im 100% sure if my brother would cheat i would knew it .. thats just a fact , noone wouldnt hide the cheats from his own brother also like playing with the cheats and brothers laptop

image: 128320993454987500dudewaitw
ach man ich hasse englisch -.-
just pm me the pw kevlar, i'll make sure everyone with 30+ acc gets kicked, obvious cheaters!!
Oh the drama :<
the cake is a lie
Quoteand all this shit about how he's used this and used that is all just bullshit


Quote and he probably got if off zeto

image: 1

cos mAus rolling u so hard now u Jealous from him and want to bust him !!!!!!!!!!!
what i like most is how 90% of the community think they have a say in what Crossfire/ClanBase do, leave these cases for the experts, thanks, I deal with this kind of crap every single day, in Cod2 & Cod4 and any other game clanbase supports.

Also, I already proved it was his brother, so all you kids can stop trying to bust mAus, i don't really feel like showing everyone the proofs since the majority of you don't deserve it for being a stupid community.

Ye now all these angry randoms will reply to me with some angry comment because i'm covering up for mAus.

let the noobs crying don't care 4 them xd
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