My first ban

I'm generally a quite nice guy, today though I recieved my first ban :<

I got home late for the official match we had tonight versus As I'm the team captain that's NOT GOOD ENOUGH, as Mr Ramsay would have said.

But I still went on to have a chat though and asked politely if there was a possibility that we could actually have the match played if I'd gather my players in 5 minutes. I was by this time, 10 minutes late. I was clear though with mentioning that if they'd call the forfeit I wouldn't blame them.

And all I got was a "you're unfair" and "fuck off" :<

No names mentioned, no hard feelings.


This is internet, so to add to this recent drama about "Omg we are all treating each other so bad, let's get friends" here on CF, I'm still quite certain that people will continue to disagree and treat each other like shit no matter what happens.

Of course I'd like to see this happen, but with the heavy amount of people, with different cultural learnings and different ways of living clashing on the internet every day. Disagreements and flaming will be inevitable, that's just way is. So just play with in the show that you're able to take part of, it's called the internet and don't take it to serious. Everyone can choose their own approach towards anyone and everyone online. The way they act might not reflect the person IRL, but online there's no reason for people to always act nice, some people are that anyway because that is a matter of course for them and some people just don't care enough.
lol :DDDddd
best pic ever lol
:D:D made me laugh in real
Lol i got tears in my eyes from laughing :DD
I shed a tear.
lol i had 60+ bans and 3 account deactivations

all in past <3
obviously, duh
role model
QuoteI'm generally a quite nice guy, today though I recieved my first ban :<

If you wan't a second ban , i'm avi
I'm getting the hang of this, so yeah sure. When and where?
couldn't care less
Still, you cared enough to reply!
I wanna be your friend.
Sure, let's hook up.
Keep behaving as you do, there are always people who wants to fuck up such a guys like you. Don't worry about them, they should worry about themselfes though. Who knows where do they end their life... And it's currently not directed to #intensity guys.

Fuck those retards which parents didn't even care about. Where is the honour nowadays? Where is the friendship between people?

e: oh it's the Internet, what an irony
:DDDDDDDDDDD epic statement
Meh, I'm quite sure they are nice guys, just read the last part I added.

It's not like I'm crying rivers over this, rather the opposite :)
Good point but tell me, why do people who act like a retards in the Internet, act nice in real life? Or vice versa. What's the point? Do they need attention? Why don't they act the same like they do in reality?
Could be of many different reasons.

Just pretend that you had a bad day IRL, there is a high possibility that this will show off when you come online later that day. As we are all sitting behind computer screens in different parts of the world, our paths will probably never cross, why should I even bother to get to know you? Your own thoughts, political views, ways of living are as well factors that could matter when you judge people online. Behind the computer screen you can be anyone, I think that is what triggers most.

I don't know, I'm tired. Hope I made any sense :P
but there is a crossroad where we all met, everybody knows where...
Sure, you did make a sense right now. I see you have a quite good view on life and your answer has given me food for thoughts. I have never been thinking about it this way. I know when I'm in a bad mood and I play et... I pretty much want to insult someone but my other point is that I keep refraining from that thing. Other people aren't (we all can't be the same, though).

But now look at the e.g. Catalan Crew. Look, how they act on crossfire. I've heard many of them are awesome guys in real life. Why aren't they on crossfire? Do they want the attention? Or maybe they want to have a little fun by pissing other people off? I have no idea but I belive that there is nothing to be changed, at least nothing will change as soon as we live here, on the Earth.

Sorry for all mistakes and for probably talking a bit generally but I wanted to give you an answer. Now, I'm in rush so thanks for this little or not conversation :) Have a nice day, mate!
Glad to have inspired you :)
On your second statement, it could be attention. Attention that they probably get anyway, but people in general like being seen and mentioned. I do for one, but only in context I choose ;) And not necessarily online.

But no worries, thank you :)
casek's a cunt
casek's a homo
tl;dr version pls
Sad story ;(
casek's girlfriend is fine
bin there like team vixit or something was serching for anything to get a forfeit of us in oc, can see it quite often, ppl tries to just find something wrong to get the win, i wish i could punch them through my screen :>
Haha this is not about that though, I don't care about the match :)
;PPPppPp le fu
casek can kill two birds with one stone
casek had a sex change in 2006
Poland kurwa

ik ga

studio voetbal doei!(K)
casek is not amused
casek won't sell cocaine
casek is mexican
there was a hell of a man and his name was casek
nice story

<insert some random flame toward sweds here>
well if we follow the internets logic u should be an asshole irl:Ppp
Perhaps I am, perhaps not. Logic on the internetz? Nah.. :)
u dno the internets logic?

if u are an asshole over the internet u are awesome irl (eg krosan, even tho i like him on the internet too:P he so crazy irl)

and the other way around
All right, that makes sense.
casek is in the kitchen
Une rue a casek
casek rolled BossHK 1vs1
that actually could happend
ure right..
casek dickslapped his mother
Too long to read for me!
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