wannabe-Catalan crew

Not Catalan
Not Spanish
image: Troll_spray
image: FuckYou
u seem mad, btw im catalan sup poor shit.
go get normal cf acc and brain for your password =D
i know my pw, but im banned, i also dont mind using random accoutns
you are an independentist piece of shit.
with love troll:
image: campnou1
had to be photoshop (really low quality job must add) ahaha, who the fuck wants long life for poor ppl?
U are the one that made this journal, sandnigger dumbass:s
You obviously dont know what the word basura means:/ cuz barça is like the opposite meaning
nice bait, he'll go for it :o)
no whats he gonna do is keep posting crap, then he will tell to his spanish freinds how hard he trolled me or so, u can see that when he replies "you mad"(he thinks im mad because of the content of his pics:DD) while he made a raging journal. its funny how dumb he is.

anyway how are u? long time:PP
I really hopes he still falls for it eventho I posted its a good bait :_D But ye, ur prolly right :o)

Meh, Im oke. Last week of vacation :< Going to bed nao tho, been watching HIMYM for 3hours nao x) And you? Yeh, didnt knew who u were with ur 21000 accs :x

e: ur right, he's an idiot
same, last weeks of holidays. gnite
that spray nearly killed me

btw im done with u, u are fuckign boring lol.
then stop replying to me idiot, im telling you and your wannabe catalan trolls to GTFO, so just GTFO troll.

You bore me and half crossfire reading your retarded comments each day with your 10th account banned.
amateur LLI peoplez
you are a troll or something?
Estas enojado por que eres adoptado y los catalanes te metieron un dedo por el culo? :D
wow...you have people is stuck in cave and all you go and do is crossfire about catalans? Go do something on ur life nerd instead of sit here and talk shit...
you could teach them some english grammar for instance
Eres muy fea guapa!
cataluña !
they are France/Spain
actually we sound more italian. and its not even close to french.
no, u oldies are too close minded:s
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