My life in Asia

I'm leaving Asia soon so I decided to travel in a country I never visited before, let me introduce you South Korea. A contrasted country between rich and poor people.
The differences are crazy as it's supposed to be a powerful country.
Here are some pictures I took in Seoul, the capital of South Korea.
I'll put some others when i'll have time :)

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Seoul, a contrasted city. Between poverty and wealth.
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Typical stairs in traditional Korean streets
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Korean Elder
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Korean Beer
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A typical Korean street

More soon :)
I don't see the contrast, where are the riches :(?
You can see the big buildings in the background and slums in the valley. This is what I meant.

Anyway Imma put other pics to make it clearer for you and for people who are wondering where are the differences :p
Just because those are big buildings doesn't mean the living standards are higher. It looks more like commie blocks then modern buildings.
South Korea is a fucking rich country but still you have some differences.
I think that people are not aware of the reality. Shanghai and Seoul are that kind of cities you could compare to New York or Paris and can hold their head high.
Nice photos but plz don't drink asian beer. Polish beer is much more better ;d
I had the runs during 2 months in China... lol.
But in Korea seems like food is quite ok so my butt feels better now :D
didn't have that in china at all :D
I guess McDonald's is the same all around the world...
Serving rat meat everywhere
only went to mcdonald's once, there weren't that many restaurants back in 2002 :P
very nice.
Planning to travel East Asia next year, would like to go S Korea but it's bit out of the way from the other countries want to visit, just came back from Malaysian Borneo after 10 weeks volunteering and want to visit the surrounding countries and see more of Borneo.
good shots
Asian people are disgusting.
Just pathetic to go and live there.
nicest women in the world imo
ohh henkie asian lover
that is the worst thing i have ever heard some1 say.
asians are tiny, they have flat faces with animal like eyes and ugly teeth.
they are disgusting to look at.
their perception of themselfs is worthlessness and nothing is more disgusting than a human without dignity.
they speak different languages they cant understand amongst themselfs let alone anyone else in the world.
they dont speak english.

i could go on for hours but the simple fact is:
they are not only disgusting when it comes to culture but they are also plain ugly.
ur ugly, they are nice :)
rofl, asian girls are definitly way more hot than all those fuckings touched up models you see in the magazines. People forgot what's the true beauty and you got it in Asia.
So I follow what Henk said, asian girls are the nicest girls in the world :)
true beauty doesnt mean a flat farmers face u stupid fish.
asian are disgusting to look at.
u just mad
u mad cause i say they look disgusting, have no dignity and smell.
no... u mad
True beauty? I rather follow the old European understanding of beauty. ;)
It's gonna be legen... wait for it... dary! LEGENDARY!
Nice :o : o: o :o :o :o :o
fucking stairs ! :d

la premiere photos me fait bander mec ! :d
sympa les tofs
nice pictures
first pic is awesome. gj
Nice pics b3ckm8, well done. Have fun there ;-)
nice i want to do laos next year.. or maybe thailand again or indonesia. Not sure yet :D
Try Malaysia/Borneo, fucking awesome
ye but it's much more expensive i think right??? at least malaysia
Not been to other countries in the area yet to compare but it was pretty cheap, £4 a night inc breakfast was average for a hostel in the cities and about £12 at resort areas. Meal and drink was between £1 and £2.

I was volunteering most of time though, was just in my free time had to really buy stuff.

Going back to south east asia next year to visit other countries, thinking Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and then Malaysia again.
ah that's not too bad indeed thought it was more expensive.

thailand is really beautiful btw so is laos i heard
look for dem she-males eh Henk?
Nice pics. Did you / Will you attend a starcraft match ? Whats the best food you've had ?
had South Korean kids in our school when young, nice people.
Too 3rdworldy for me :{
like Wales is any good :D
Wales is really really shit :v
Was there last week & will be for the next three, the people are lovely but you can't deny it's a dump!
I guess it depends where you go, same as all places really. There's nothing greater than hiking across the beacons here!
Where was/are you going??
A few miles outside Swansea - got the morning until 13:30 to kill this week if there's anything worth doing nearby? Got the car this time.
I live around 50 mins from Swansea :>
Urm, there's some top beaches around the gower (Rhossili -, Oxwich bay etc are nice too) Waterfall country (Glynneath area) has some of the best waterfalls around here, plenty of places to eat, biking centre not far out of Swansea so could hire a bike and do some forest rides fi that's your thing l0L
nice pics =)
i bet waki feels sad now
nice pics!
He's french u retard
I recently went to south korea, its a great place , i mean everything was destroyed 40 years ago in the north and south war and what they have built in that timeframe is amazing. I went to a place called suwon. One thing you notice when you go there is that most of the population live in flats, thus the cities are built with many highrise flats. Kimchi is my long lost <3. Korean people are generally too nice because of there Buddist culture and everyone generally respects each other unlink certain countries, cough *uk*
I actually heard from a friend that it's so much better to work in japan than in south korea, as many people in SK don't exactly enjoy hanging around foreigners
Yes this is kinda true, most sk are friendly but the tourist industry is quite new to sk i mean 40 years ago it was a pile of rubble. tourist industry has grown alot in the last ten years and most people dont even speak english. give it anather couple of years and it will be like japan which has had a bigger time to flourish in the tourist sector
Actually it depend who you're hanging out with. If it's some students I think they will be happy to stay with you. From what I saw, Korean people have a western mentality with an Asian face. (And Korean girls are just too awesome :D)
Nice pics :)
Hows SNSD?
interesting pictures, wouldn't want to live in asia tho.
What is this smog on all pictures? Or is it some ps edit?
You mean the blur or like the dark part of the picture?
Anyway it depends. Some pictures are touched up on PS because I think that with one basic picture you can create a really nice shot.
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