U.S White Pages

Hey my dad called me today and asked me what the US White Pages are.
He frequently googles himself and found his data in those White Pages.

Imo its pretty strange that the United States keep Information and personal data about him since we are from Austria and dont really have much to do with the US...

Does anybody know what this shit is and whether they really keep important informations about us?
And where exactly do they get those information from?

austria->hitler->ww2->usa took part in it
You'd be surprised at what information you can find about people online, and how easy it is via social engineering too.
Unless you're trying to hide something or feel at risk by all this information I wouldn't worry about it much :ppp
social engineering?! :D
Nono, we dont have anything to hide and i know its really easy nowadays to gain such information via social networks and also via illegal ways.
but i m more curious about the purpose of keeping and spreading information (for free) about my dad in an american database...
they want to make sure your country doesn't reject another sociopath with silly mustache from art school
it's a website for finding peoples, they get their informations from banks, catalog companys, websites
he registred on and so on, basically informations like names, location (including streetnames/numbers), numbers, e-mail adresses and stuff, often those informations are bought in illegal data swap deals for mainly commercial targets
is there an europe version if it? cant rly find anyone i know.. all results are people from the US. i only know 123people
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