Bugfinding *fun*

Dear Journal, last night my dear old compy crashed and it refused to start back up. At first i was like: oh well, it just the power supply, again. So i tried with another power supply, but alas - nothing.

Howkay, lets try the gfx card, i have an old one lying around - no luck there either.

RAM block, nope.

Now i get this crazy idea to take out the cpu cooler, and see if anythings wrong here. As i pull it off the motherboard i see an empty cpu socket... hmmm... the CPU is stuck to the cooler, like supar glue stuck :(

So now i'm like WTF, how do i get it off the cooler without destroying both? And if i can put it back in the socket without tearing it apart, what killed my compy?

and how good a compy can i get for 10€?

update: ok, the cpu is off the cooler, gonna put it back on the mobo now. Any clues as to what's wrong?

update 2: I borrowed a cpu and a mobo from Arachon and now i can rule out the cpu :(
even as trash a pc is worth more than 10€ because there are lot s of expensive metals in it :P
PS: cant help u :=]
you got served
Lagger du bliver nød til at køre cpu'en varm...

først da kan du få det termiske plaster til at blive "blødgjort"

så kan du skille begge dele ad

evt hårtørrer kan hjælpe


lyder nemt, nogen bestemt metode der kan anbefales?
har du taget det hele af?

ellers prøv at varme op med hårtørrer...

jeg har gjort det en gang selv!! da jeg hev cpu'en af bukkede jeg ca. 10-20 ben på cpu'en. OHH JOY!

pas på med det lårt
Yay det virkede \o/

have had it some times aswell, the cooling paste is still warm and sticks like glue.. the cpu still worked afterwards though
just let the cpu+cooler cool down (throw it in the freezer also helps) and it will come off a lot better, after that just put it in the socket again and put the cooler on top again the way it should
it's kinda cold already :(
artic silver?
nope, the cooler itself :s

anyways, i got it off using a hair dryer.
Problem solved - the motherboard was busted :(
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