fu nicky hayden!

i hope he crashes again...
rossi ftw!!
the doctor 4tw
haha nabje rossi xd
gogo hayden
omg Rossi will loss :o !
gogo bayliss
pedrosa do your thing!!
go Arnold
rossi needs to learn to stick to the black stuff... he will probably go cry and put a paddy on in his trailer and blame his team like he usually does.
first time he fell this season by his own cause, so plz dont talk stupid.. he is the best in motoGP, everybody knows that even if you are a big fan of hayden or any1 else..
wtf rossi has fallen off? :o
yep, hayden is 3rd
:/ i watched the start but then had to go do some stuff, i hope nicky hayden wins tbh, rossi has won enough. And it was just unlucky what happened 2 weeks ago lol.
did i say he had fallen off a number of times this year??? Im saying at the start of the season all he did was cry in his trailer. And yea i know hes the best at motogp to date but he doesnt know how to loose properly yet.
"rossi needs to learn to stick to the black stuff"

yes you kinda did.. anyway, he's the best in motoGP ever.. imagen him on a honda, faster bike, almost no technical fallouts.. true champion.. hayden finished ONCE on first place, lol what a champ.. enough whine for today
please..don't speak of what u don't know..Honda didn't do things right with him, so ye, he did well in speaking many things that people didn't know.
With yamaha, ofc the bike isn't as competitive as the Honda, but at least seems that the team is nice, so, he is human, he can fell too.
no words :<
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