razer deathadder - everglide titan

I'm maybe going to buy another mouse, and I'm thinking about a deathadder.

anyone has it with the everglide titan? feels good?

not really want to buy another mousepad.
i have it. now what?
yes it works.
get a Diamondback, half the price and basically the same
lol it's just not the same in the hand !
depends what you are used to tbh
One is a palm mouse the other a claw one
Out of stock & 3g has positive accel :(
diamondback is actually good :)! im using it right now :D
titan is great. is it a comment you're looking for?
something like that, or more people that really didn't liked it so I won't buy:P

titan is great ye, but it needs to be great with deathadder also then:p
buy the old 1800dpi one
Why would you want that? :/
new one jitters on cloth pads
doubt that, too many ppl say it does though i havent tried that combo myself
old one is good, the new one jitters
Do you have both the old and the new one? And please respond on my other reply cause I'd like to try a new mousepad.
i only got the old one and abyssus which has the same sensor as the new one.
works fine on paper
do you wear paper clothes?
does one operate mice on one's clothing?
Because the 1800dpi version has a better sensor than the new deathadder, thats why.
Very constructive, buying the old one right away.
Its the truth why buy the new one if its inferior to the old one? and cheaper.I can never get used to the shape though no matter how many times i try to play with it .Anyway GL with your mouse choice.
Well I´m not having any problems with it, it just jitters on 3500 dpi but I won´t use that anyway.
Weinig verschil tenzij je een oude MX518 waar nog geen teflon voetjes onder zitten, en al heb je die oude dan moet het alleen maar beter worden.
both me & freeze have the deathadder + everglide titan, gives kinda good control
i played with it for a month or so, but then switched back to my plastic pad, as was hard to get get use to cloth. I now use the everglide titan as a wrist rest under my mat :D
The pad in your profile?
well titan is the slowest clothpad ever, you should have tried puretrak talent/goliathus speed instead
Is it worth buying the puretrak talent, using a qck heavy now.

And what exactly do you mean with jitter, apart that I find the deathadder quite heavy compared to an mx518 or ikari I cant seem to find anything negative about it.
it's one of the fastest and smoothest cloth pads still being not slick like hard pads, i like it.
qck has more friction and lasts for a quite short time comparing to talent.

by jittering i mean erratic movement when moving the mouse vertically along some of the mousepad angles, erm smth like this
image: bm95hn0obszh6uh2w
usually on most pads the angle is about +/- 30 degrees to the pad's vertical axis, though it varies and depends on material and the painting
here's how that happens with abyssus which has the same sensor as DA 3.5G(which is reported to have the same issue):
image: bm95ltonj5pytj9iw

oh and if you have the fnatic version it jitters more randomly, usually on the border of orange and white
Reading some posts of urtier got me interested in it and I guess I'll buy it anyway sooner or later.

About the jittering, I just tested it with different dpi values and indeed it heavily jitters at 3500. 450, 900 and 1800 are perfectly smooth though.
well as I tried it actually jitters less on higher dpi values, 450 is the worst one ;o
Well thats weird... Glad I just have it on 3500.

So assuming my deathadder works as it should be, combined with a puretrak talent spec wise it doesn't really get any better right?

Know a thing or two about monitors aswel?
Now i honestly dont know how the new da works since everything is saying different and i havent used it myself(eventhough having abyssus to judge by it being nearly the same)

as for monitors - yep, but tomorrow. 4am here, gn8
Sleep tight!
dont buy shit deathadder, ms 1.1 much better.
Says the guy playing on a tree! :D
Cloth pads also suck, your mouse "stick" into them. A good mousepad is fast like Icemat. The reason why i use a desk material surface is because its huge and never get used like cloth shits. Seriously they feel like you play on your T-shirt.
Well I guess it's all up to personal preference, when I put my mouse on my desk it seems to move easier/faster but less controlable and that fits my playingstyle better.
Exactly, this is what I dont understand. Why people like to play on a mousepad that isnt fast? No friction = better/easier to aim. That's why hyperglide sell their mouseskates, no? So why would anyone buy a cloth pad and hyperglide when it cause exactly the opposite. Jeh well if you are used to this "stick" feeling its harder to play on a proper mousepad. But when you learn to control the mouse it's much better. Easy to make small adjustments even on long range.
Well I actually meant I liked the more controllable feeling better (with mousepad) but fucked up the sentence.
it totally depends on the pad, few clothpads like puretrak talent have the same ultralow friction no matter how much you press your mouse in it
and it's exactly what you said - high friction sticky pads are kinda noobfriendly, allowing to control your mouse superbly but as soon as your coordination progresses it kinda limits you with being hard to move fast and not being smooth enough - that's when you should switch to a lower friction pad
Ok, definately going to buy the puretrak talent now! :D
Nice, I will try that out.
edit: dunno where to buy/try :|
Isnt it like Qpad? Good for a week then getting worse?
nah, it's way more durable + u can wash(officially adviced by manufacturer) it unlike qpad(which is btw one of the most 'sticky' pads u are talking about)

u can buy it at official website http://www.puretrak.com/ where u can also enter a discount code(Meez/baggiez could have it, they bought it recently) or there is some online shop in belgium where it's more expensive afaik
39$ with shipping and without discount, will ask them
how the fuck can you play at 1.45 sens with ms 1.1 ? i am playing at 2.6 sens its like fucking slow i assume you play at winses 11/11 ? wtf 1.45 no way
I play with default win sens and cl_mouseaccel 0.04 atm

it's enough to turn 180 degrees

with no accel I play with 1.9 sens
how do you make a 360 turn ? you sure wrestle with youre mouse buddy :D
why woudl you want to make 360 turn? whats the point of that ? isnt 180 what u need only?
because when im getting backraped i need to turn fast and hit many hs as possible :) with that kind a sens as yours i would get raped easily
imo goliathus speed has even lower friction than puretrak
when it's totally new yes, but that slickness is gone within the first month
Razer > all ;D
deathhader owns mAus,

so, buy deathadder with razer goliathus speed (oversized one) period!
I'm selling a deathadder with 2 pair of new hyperglides => 40€! bid bid (got already a bid of 35€)
using Deathadder with Qpad, works perfect :) (Deathadder > mx518 tbh)
DeathAdder + Goliathus Speed
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