what the fuck is this shit?

<Egypt_male_king> asl plz
<Egypt_male_king> 37 male
<Egypt_male_king> egypt
<Egypt_male_king> you?
<Juize> some nerd you are
<Egypt_male_king> what mean ?
<Egypt_male_king> seem not interested
<Juize> iam 14/f/NY
<Egypt_male_king> bye
<Egypt_male_king> good
<Egypt_male_king> teen girl ?
<Juize> why good?
<Juize> well, since iam 14, yes.
<Egypt_male_king> where is NY?
<Juize> newyork
<Egypt_male_king> i like teen chat
<Juize> so?
<Juize> what do you want?
<Egypt_male_king> so i am a teacher
<Egypt_male_king> most students i teach in the same age
<Juize> cool
<Egypt_male_king> it's not a good question !!!!
<Egypt_male_king> what do u want ?
<Juize> what?
<Juize> well why did you start talking?
<Egypt_male_king> yo can go if you don't like it
<Juize> depends on what you want?
<Egypt_male_king> or feel bored
<Egypt_male_king> just chat
<Egypt_male_king> talk
<Egypt_male_king> no more
<Egypt_male_king> i like chat
<Egypt_male_king> specially teen girls
<Juize> with a 14 year old girl?
<Juize> why?
<Juize> whats so special about that?
<Egypt_male_king> all teen
<Egypt_male_king> coz i still work with teens for 10 years
<Egypt_male_king> so you can say
<Egypt_male_king> i love teen ager
<Juize> in what way?
<Egypt_male_king> they talk to me most time
<Egypt_male_king> in school , phone and on line
<Egypt_male_king> i am busy with their proplems
<Egypt_male_king> not only in school
<Egypt_male_king> but in their home too
<Egypt_male_king> i am single
<Egypt_male_king> don't have kids
<Juize> why dont you get a wife then?
<Egypt_male_king> i had many gf before
<Juize> not like you are to old to get kids now is it?
<Juize> but shouldnt you be careful when chatting with teenagers?
<Egypt_male_king> i am not too old
<Egypt_male_king> i can marry and have kids
<Egypt_male_king> only 37
<Juize> well, my best friend got bad experience with people on the chat..
<Egypt_male_king> that depends
<Egypt_male_king> i am a respectful teacher
<Juize> how do i know?
<Juize> wait, i dont wanna know..
<Egypt_male_king> i have in real more than 70 girls in my classed
<Juize> then why would you talk to me?
<Egypt_male_king> so if i want a bad matter i just look for real
<Juize> what?
<Egypt_male_king> i like to get more friends
<Juize> on the internet?
<Egypt_male_king> especially teens
<Egypt_male_king> in any place
<Egypt_male_king> i enjoy talk to them
<Egypt_male_king> want to see my pic
<Egypt_male_king> ?
<Juize> no thanks
<Egypt_male_king> ok
<Egypt_male_king> as you like
<Juize> doesnt matter does it?
<Juize> or do you want to see my pic?
<Egypt_male_king> may be you can feel i am good from the pic
<Egypt_male_king> of course i like to see yours
<Egypt_male_king> that would be great
<Juize> why would it be great?
<Juize> what will you do with my pic?
<Egypt_male_king> coz i really imagined you
<Juize> how?
<Egypt_male_king> i see if my mind imagine you well or not
<Juize> how does it imagine me?
<Egypt_male_king> from your talking
<Juize> how do i look?
<Egypt_male_king> i imagine you are blonde?
<Egypt_male_king> shoulder hair
<Egypt_male_king> slim
<Egypt_male_king> not so tall
<Egypt_male_king> 150 cm tall
<Juize> hmm pretty close
<Egypt_male_king> white skin color
<Juize> altho i dyed my hair black
<Egypt_male_king> originally blonde
<Juize> yes
<Egypt_male_king> that's my pic here
<Juize> what are you doing?
<Egypt_male_king> most time the server was bad
<Juize> server?
<Egypt_male_king> yes connection
<Egypt_male_king> it doesn't transfer pics
<Egypt_male_king> accept it?
<Juize> no thanks
<Egypt_male_king> i delete it
<Egypt_male_king> ok
<Juize> delete it?
<Egypt_male_king> delete sending
<Juize> yes please
<Egypt_male_king> can i see your pic
<Juize> no sorry
<Egypt_male_king> i promise i 'll delete it
<Egypt_male_king> soon after i see u
<Juize> i dont believe you
<Egypt_male_king> seem you are not interested
<Juize> and you are scaring me right now.. :$

i know its long, but wtf.. how to continue this convo? be creative!
hahahaha i lol'd so hard :DDDDDDdd
i wonder where that scene is cut from :PP
Same :p

Still laughing when I see it :DD
me too xd
funy niga is funy :DDDDDD
I smell a troll
Pedophile alert
pervert can catch the pedophile :DD
I'm not a pervert ¬_¬
If i sneak up to my sis at night and touch her make me a pervert?
nope, it makes you smooth!
ur not 14.. or a female
Nobody going to read this
make him confused by hitting on him, then the roles might change
I always knew it Juize, you're working for CIA and try to catch pedos!
drollet hart
well basically you screwed that one up by always catching up phrases in a smartass way which no 14year old girl would do...
could have been a huge funnyz but thats just lame and you got trolled
I'd say he trolled you
send a pic of an ugly girl

or send a pic of robaciek and say ur a girl
what a player
I'd hit that :D

juize man, why didn't you accept the picture. that would've been even funnier haha
because you didnt make a comic about me!:(

nah, why would a pedo try to hook up with teenage girls on irc?
the pic mustve been a virus orso
cuz I dno how you look :) although you'd desurve an ARTWORK!!

ye true, might have been a virus
omg! check my profile then! or the website in my profile! :D

nublet ;(
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