Idiots eh?

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A car has crashed into a house in Nottingham narrowly missing the family who were inside.

Nottinghamshire Police were called to Southwold Drive in Wollaton just after 1730 BST on Saturday after the vehicle hit the front door of the house.

The couple who live in the house with their 11-year-old daughter said the car stopped "about a foot away" from them.

No-one in the house or the car was injured in the accident.

The sound of the car crashing into the house was so loud that the occupants thought there had been an earthquake, one member of the family told the BBC.

EDIT Tits are now gone. They were epic.

Quote-Max- has given you a warning worth 20 points.

Reason: We do not allow obscene behaviour on

Your currently have a total of 20 points, when you reach 100 you will be banned. The length of the ban is determined by how many warnings you have received; e.g. If you got banned on your 5th warning then your account will be disabled for 10 days.

This is an automated message, sent by Crossfire. Do not reply to this message.

Since I can't reply to your message Max can I just ask here, what do you admins classify obscene behaviour as, because I always see tits on this website?
sounds awful :/

and those tits look awful
"The sound of the car crashing into the house was so loud that the occupants thought there had been an earthquake, one member of the family told the BBC."

the sound probably would have been quite loud and the house looks like part of it has fallen down which sometimes happens during earthquakes to be fair to the people inside.
haha ;D i think i know where that picture is taken from :D

EDIT : u mad cause she banned u from the channel :PppP
share zhe secret

e: lul evilynn
spotted ! :D!


EDIT: No because I can still get on.
But dude She's a redhead.!
doesnt care if this haircolor is real or not... that doesnt bring luck into my life serious im kinda scared by now!
oooohh cute... whats his name?
Ok dude, we gonna stop FLAMING now... serious
Worked 3 hours this week thats enough... im finished really need some pause!
Worked 4 hours ! enough until saturday . hf
Wow, Internet Users also like white boobs... interesting!

I prefer bbq tits, grilled with a spicy sauce!
Ah so now instead of just trying to avoid getting shot in Nottingham you have to avoid cars smashing through the wall too. Duly noted.
Whenever you see tits, let an admin know and we'll remove it. :-)
Is that a pleasure to get spammed? Thats new for me :)
If I put a little star on each nipple would that help?
Generally yes, but if a user of the website wants a provocative picture of them removed, which was posted by another user...I will continue to oblige.
Seriously? Are you saying that was actually a member of Crossfire?
Do you know who it was?
No, otherwise I wouldn't be asking :)
Yes, I'm pretty sure it was a member of this website.
Ah, never knew.
Where tits??? alles
now adi can see, -Max- is doing something...:D
image: 3761_8070_960

/ stupid hide tags cutting pictures off :S
nothing new
Tits are forbidden from ugly nerds :) that's why they remove them :)
Nudity is not allowed on crossfire...
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