mAus quits ET!

After the cheating incident by his brother (Belgium Pasta) which coused quite a lot of trouble in the ET-Scene ( reporting), famous starplayer and Belgian powerhouse Belgium mAus decided to quit ET.
mAus, currently playing under the flag of United Kingdom impact-gaming stated that he wants to start a way more addicting game where all his aiming and tactical skills won't be needed. He wants to start from zero without having anyone know him.
As he said, he is still searching for a sponsor to support him in the near future untill he gets pro enough to be picked up by an other big organisation.
With this Crossfire wants to wish him good luck with his new plans and game.

(15:40:33) <+mAus`i> someone mind sharing his wow account? D;
he's mAus now someone give him a WoW account
laber kein dreck, spast
sure famous starplayer and Belgian powerhouse kabouterskee

login name: maatje 35
pass: pindakaas
Star player ? powerhouse ? nice lies.
gtfo manus

[15:51] <mAus`i> 3on3 know you
never saw maus playing 3v3?
he was op or this + thing in #crossfire so guess it was him
share? dude, if i would sell my wow account i could quit work :x
then its fucking pathetic you don't do so.
armory or it didnt happen
its not him, thats his brother
I'll sponsor him some gold if he start playing on my realm! :P
i bet he will be a hunter olol
He'll be a troll hunter for sure
yea okay he probably got annoyed of the troll'ing here ;D
hvilket realm spiller du på? :P
Moonglade som horde :)
Troll detected
i'll sell it to you maus
contact for more details
and what gives you the right to speak on behalf of crossfire :o
he's mAus now someone give him a WoW account
about time
damn pasta ! :o
lvl 80 priest for him
WoW is a cancer game
Slac comes out, mAus's brother who doesn't give a shit about ET 'cheats' & gets busted by PB (YES PB, everywhere there are free undetectable pb-cheats!).. mAus doesn't care about clearing his name & starts another game - someone else finds this suspicious? :DD

Kidding, don't stop mAus, pls don't stop !!!! :<
my oh my!
maus low
decent troll
haha nicolas gaat ervoor
I bet maus will get tons of pms on IRC now :)
he was shit anyway...

eine krasse maschine mehr nicht :D
tzzz...mAschine, eher nen ersatzteil ;)
bad troll is bad
would be a hard punch in the face for the et-scene
for me it would be :D
c u next month
why quit ET after all that trouble?
his brother gets busted and nobody knows if it was mAus or Pasta and now mAus quits ET?
this doesnt make sense to me.
mAus leaves ET? wtf.
either i think thats totally suspicious and mAus was a cheater (but wtf @his lanskills and nice overall playing) or...
oh and btw:

Quoteaddicting game where all his aiming and tactical skills won't be needed.

"tactical skills" = just standing there and give hs to everyone... rofl
full inbox incoming XD
Explain? [15:51] <mAus`i> 3on3 know you
reading the comments..... god there are so many dumb ppl in this community
you are right, but i would stop arguing so much since you have an admin position.
arguing makes you look easy challengeable. and with some kind of words you like to use (swearing haha) it makes you questionable too.
no offense! i would just stop if i were you :D (but obv im not^^)
considering what you posted above and reading what you just tried to tell KB, I highly doubt you're using your brain while posting...
switching from "mAus-fanboy" to "advice-giving intelligent boy" in half an hour is np4me :D
since we are all anonymous here i can easily do that. agree? :D
besides i just thought i have to care about Killerboy since he cares about us too : )
snoop decided to quit et too but he went back after 5 days

yes and which game he wants to play now??
mAus dodging the reality.
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