In Bruges!

Haven't done a movie journal lately and I missed it. What a brilliant movie, incredible sound track, environment, great cast, the idea of the dark-humor, crime and drama was just a pure win. Definitely a movie I will remember for life!
Advice anyone to go see it.
Already seen it 3 times. Great movie indeed.
Can't watch a movie more than once except if it's a comedy. Movies like this gives you emotions you don't want to ruin. Can't believe two years ago I saw 20 minutes of this film and deleted it out of my HD.
Hmm, it depends from person to person I guess. We often rewatch good movies at home.
Didnt see it .. yet :P

oke pretty boy
I just don't understand why girls don't like me.
They would be afraid you'd cheat on them
Yep, it's a brilliant, surreal film. One of my absolute favourites. Even had me travelling to Bruges this summer ;)

Colin Farrell's simply brilliant, and so is the rest of the cast. I love how Martin McDonald has chosen to show Bruges and paint it up like a fairytale. Which justifies the somewhat weird ending, which I love.
I really liked it, maybe going to Bruges next month for a dnb festival :}
hashvti amarta she ata be burgas :(
Good movie indeed
okay/good movie,nothing extraordinary though...
Great movie, seen it when it came out. But if you ask me what is it about i can say nothing. I just know the main character hated the town :-/
how shit my brain is, too much movie i saw
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