The Expendables

Awesome film, saw it last week - the girlfriend didn't particularly enjoy it though!

Highlight - Schwarzenegger leaves and Willis asks what his problem was, to which Stallone replies, "He wants to be president."

image: 4799
this journal is now about hippo's
Heard it's shit. :/
its not, if you dont expect it more to be than just a stallone movie :D
i also heard grown ups was shit... i nearly pissed myself with laughter
true..both movies were great
IT WAS CRAZY! i love the part where Crews comes fron behind with the big gun :))))
i went to the sneak preview last wednesday and the whole cinema went crazy when the motorcycle with the "tatoo" came into the picture.
was such a fun :D eventhough there were too many cgi effects :<
wehre's the body count of the movie itself?
love this more

image: rambo-death-chart
saw the movie aswell, tho its not my film. Too much explosions crap.
two most badass guys with least kills ;x
one thing about the arnold scene: i was watching with subtitles and some funny guy who made them decided to switch the line to "he wants to be the governor"
thats retarded :D
Many kids wear superman pyjamas , superman wears chuck norris pyjamas
ahhhh my heart hurtsss wtff
hopefully one day it will stop. altogether.
I bet 100 Pounds it will. You in?
you're willing to risk that on loekino... this is loekino we're talking about...
the movie isnt new and you got no new insight so why bother making a jounal?
SALT is better btw
because that picture is awesome, don't like it? gtfo
if you think that is cool enough to dedicate a jounal to it i got bad news for ya
i already dedicated a journal to it, what's the news?
the fuck

salt was so ridiculous , felt like leaving the cinema in the middle of the movie.
didnt see it in the cinema but its a lot better than expendables, which lacks a plot and a climax and pretty much everything.
its also better than this infection bullshit
i really was dissapointed, thought it was shit :( and tbh, all i was expecting was a all out balldeep bloodfest with cheesy lines and action. awfull movie.
cmon, you gotta love statham!!
nah mikeyboi, he was poo too!
QuoteAwesome film
somewhat entertaining for the moment, but really nothing special imo, sorry my dear :(
alright didn't know universal soldier: regeneration was out, thx
liked it :)
but if you search for a nice storyline which makes you start thinking, then its the wrong movie :P its just about action, action, throwing knifes in ur heads and action

8/10 !
...said the guy with "dildo" in his nick
love it
why am i missing bruce willis on that picture?
Didn't know Randy Couture was in it :D
this movie was fucking awful LOL
quote of the movie:

Schwarzenegro: I see you've lost weight.
Stallone: Whatever weight I've lost you've found buddy!
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