Mani is looking for...

... an ET Team to have some fun.

I am:

- 27 years old, so no kidding or smth
- not whining
- have TS3 and the other Voicestuff
- playing RTCW from 2001 till 2004
- playing ET since 2004-2008
- playing et now since 1 year after a break
- not skilled (around low+), but brained :>
- playing every class which is needed (prefer Fop)
- was leading a team and a clan around 7 years

You have to be:

- funny
- german or english speaking
- no whiners and kids
- no cheaters, coz of HATE
- playing in some cups or leagues

Now the problem:

I am shift working, so i am not avi every day. Could be possible that i am not avi for 2 or 3 days in a row. So a backup position wuld be possible, too.

Hope to get some pm´s here or in irc @ or team-ger.rtcw

Sehr geehrter Herr wiza aka pascal,

ich bin ein crossfire lowbob und daher nehme ich ein journal, weil ich es nicht besser weiß.
Ich bitte mein Fehlverhalten zu entschuldigen.

Vielen Dank ;)
Kein Problem. Machstes nächstes mal besser und gut is', wa?
Ja sicher mache ich es dann besser. Wenn ich hilfe brauche weiß ich ja wo ich dich finde... :o
#smashed immer

gl, un so.
in b4 delete
good luck :>
Mani is looking for forums.
good luck :>
27 -> stop playing PC games
no kidding - he's 27 years old
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