EC Final: Impact vs Fintastic Five ~~ OFFICIAL TOPIC 8DDDDDD

I'd like a clear message of what actually happened, as I was scrimming during the final, I couldn't follow at all what happened.
Just heard Poland & hacking, but though wasn't possible..

Can anyone explain please?
nothing happened
Dude when fucking stops this EC Final shit, nobody cares - well the nerds does but seriously stop it!
whole poland spent money to sponsor a 13 years old hacker, all TVs were streaming this so poland had a good laugh but lost all their money
you need to be able to hack to be a hacker, this is a scripter

hacking requires skill, running a script requires a finger
we could not lose money since we don't have money
Poland Polack pings the serv, Finland F5 are retard, United Kingdom Impact are not fair., United Kingdom ROSS rage cause he finally success to built the CP
that is just awesome
how did Poland managed that?
Dunno, ask them.
I don't like to speak to polaks tbh
they're weird
naaah must've been mistaking :DDD
How do we know it was a Polish guy?
they mad coz we stylin on them
it was slac lagging everyone
discussion on irc is still going on
It's FREAKING long, over 1700 lines. discussion lasted from the start of the match to now with no breaks:
check this announcement though
^save it to a txt file and sent it to me :P
it may contain private stuff about server, cba to check it all over again
both f5 & impact EC WINRARs

Draw, but f5 gets mices, impact mousepads.
This is the most fucked up Ec final I ever heard. Just continue playing where you both stopped!? This is a FINAL, not a fun match to lick each other nipples.
Imagine a football WC final end as draw and everybody walks home. Not possible.
QuoteJust continue playing where you both stopped!?

they don't want to restart their attack in adler, since they have only 3:14 to make it!
Oh there were an adler? ETTV replay freezed out at delivery 1st round :p
the polak or whoever the ddoser was, would have kept on ddosing or crashing the server, and 3 hours was too much anyway, mAus goes on holiday on friday and xylos on thursday, they come back in 2 weeks, and i don't see any way to stop this from happening again, online cups might be dead. we already delayed the ec final by 4 weeks and we need to ship the prizes.
Then send the prizes as you agreed (as a draw match) but play the final 2 weeks later.

Btw, why suspect a polish man when we dont really know what happend ?
it's just.. Poland
been asking myself the same for some hours now
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