Owzo needs your help!!

Hi guys, just entered this shoutcasting competition for the WCG, would be great if you could like my video, post a comment if you want too (throw me a lot of love in the comment if you do ;D) but make sure you like the vid!!!


hope you like it and as I said, it would be great if you guys could help me out, so get your likes on there ;D time for bed now after waiting 3 hours for this to upload (gg UK net!)
done. whats wcg ?
world cyber games
Which one? I like cyber 3 as it usually has delivery on there :-))))
I gave you a like but it comes with a price, if you don't accept my deal then I shall retract the vote.

The challenge: The next LAN you cast at you need to fit in the phrase "LIKE A BEAR THROUGH A WINDOW" at some point during a game.

image: bearinwindow

rofl`d hard :D
owzo you will win
voted, also those streetfighter casts are absolutely terrible
+1 the other shout cast was boring and dull , There also ETQW there at WCG will be enjoyable
You could just join QuadV
Needs decent et LAN to shoutcast if you know what I mean
I don't get what you mean, are you suggesting I should run a CS lan? :P
Tosspot I always wanted to ask you,
what was your favorite match to shoutcast in et
sooo many to chose from, the moment I say u96d vs parodia I remember others that are like ooo that was better etc. Really cant pick 1
i loled wen u said and gza mowed his lawn
wen he killed em in radar
orite butt, nice shoutcast
voted + commented
Where have you been yesterday :(
if im honest 1.6 is a horrid game to cast if you dont play it, calling the plays and splits is pretty hard and knowing all the background but you actually did pretty well...will give you a comment n shiz just due to you being so fucking hot.

imo join quadv bring shit back. go wild.
Make a newspost and sticky it :) gl!
i don't know how to do that :D
Good luck owzo best shoutcaster easy mate ;)
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