photography #1

What do you think off this picture? It's been taken on the 27th of July 2010 on Iceland's southern coast, close to a small town called Vik.

ISO: 200
Focal length: 28mm
Aparture: f/5.0
Shutter Speed: 1/100s

critiques welcome, aswell as chats with fellow photographers. :)
nice view, looks a little foggy/dark tho
It actually was foggy as hell, but I agree on the dark colors, looks a bit depressing.
rly nice composing but the black rocks at the right side are lacking structure (too much contrast) and are therefore crushing the rest of the pic

e: also, the rock in the middle of the pic at mid-distance doesnt rly fit in imo!
I'll ask the icelandic government to get rid of that rock it right away. Thank's for this critique! You're a photographer yourself?
yes i read a book or two but i dont rly know much and im not rly gifted :p

with the rock thing i was just giving the hint to play around with the bildausschnitt as many photos can be improved with post-processing
i'd only crop it even more, it would lack quality then I guess
looks awesome, bit dark at close distance tho
increase your shutter speed by 100 ms and reduce the Aparture by half and maybe decrease the focal length by about 23 and take a dirty picture for me, preferable of your penis
looks pretty cool, love the cold atmosphere in it. maybe a little bit too much contrast as other already said, but its all taste in this matter.
i like :)
i'm no expert but i think it looks nice :)
You should get in touch with Wales Panda. He has been photographing for a while now as well, mostly nature scenes. He's pretty good (to my untrained eye :D).

His website:
I has a fan? :o

The spaceball did? :D copy main url next time :pp
the chickeeeeeenpic

Can you also make nice picture of penis

Been a fan at Facebook for a year or something!!/pages/Pandas-Photography/206920326028?ref=ts

Update it ;-p
little dark, but i guess thats the effect your going for!
I love the simplicity of it and the nice post-processing you have done to it. Bw fits very well with those tones. Marvellous job.
the foreground object(the cliff) is too dark and for me it seems like it takes the depth of the picture away and I'm more focused on the dark area that on the rest of the picture, some texture in that dark area would be better

the rock doesn't help also, and there is a glow around the edge of the cliff, layering fault or..?

but the pic is nice
hab gerade schulung,
bild sieht gut aus auf meinem handy :p
was fliegt denn da?
Ne Möwe! hi2comeback? :P
comeback? grml!!! ramin, wenn er es denn sein sollte, spielt ja schon wieder! :pp
nä is nich ramin :P
I really like it!
Quite nice!
Would agree with pretty much what danL said though.
Just downloaded the full res, not too sure what's up with the paint sorta effect going on which seems to spoil it a bit when at 100%.
I'd have cloned out the odd bird, they're not really noticeable and a lil distracting. Likewise with the blacks down the bottom 1/3rd or so. Could have bracketed your exposure and blended in = less blown highlights at the top too, but I guess the haze and what not adds to the atmosphere of the shot.
Tried cropped it at all?

Picture title amon amarth much? : PPP
i dont understand your language matey mate
u mad cuz the pic is stylin on you?
I miss Olivia :(
I so far dislike the idea to crop the picture to any degree since the black/white parts both take about 50% of the picture with a diagonal seperating both parts. But nevertheless I appreciate the effort you put in your critique as well as in your crop. :)
I already added you as flickr contact, btw

And yes, the title is inspired by amon amarth, ofc ;)

e: mind deleting your crop from the page pls?
very nice photographs although they could have been a bit sharper for perfect quality :D
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