Idea for EC

I actually think that high stake games should be played in a best of 5 maps format so shit like this ec final doesn't happen. Lag can be crucial in a 2 game format making it not exactly fair lotto, 5 game format would reduce such non skill based factors by a decent margin since a team would have to win 3 matches to secure the win and winning 3 games instead of 2 in ET makes a big difference. Last match i have seen on ettv was impact vs dignitas were a total of 4 or 5 maps has been played making it a very exciting and unpredictable (unpredictable in terms of skill which is a good thing) match overall. This system has proven itself to be successful in other games take sc2 and ql for an example so i really don't see a problem with implementing it into prestige matches like EC and ESL finals.

takes too much time?
you don't play ec or esl finals often
true, but who would want to play 5 maps? :/
if a team is dedicated to win EC 3 additional maps don't make a big difference
5 matches = Playing for ~8hours
hey, killerboy i heard you styled on a teammate of mine
I think he might mean 5 maps ?

but still too time consuming i guess ..
make it on different days :o
i got what it takes.

5 maps not matches.
1 map is approximately 20-30 mins, meaning 5 maps would take 2-2.5 hours which sounds pretty fair.

Look at the NBA series.. they do 5 final matches just to make it more exciting and fair and its working perfectly!
just because of the money
is there even 5 maps?? :O
It should be something like this, but it would prob take too long and teams wld loose intresst
5 maps > enlarge mappool > More lottomaps = still lottobased matches
you have adlernest & frostbite.
Goldrush, supply, Bremen, radar & karsiah aren't lottomaps.
idd + less popular maps would be played instead of playing sd and deli over and over again
i don't consider special delivery as a 5on5 map tho ^^
"This system has proven himself to be successful in other games take sc2 and ql"

Where maps only take 10 minutes, and not 30 minutes like in ET.
30 min? double fullholds rarely happen these days. maps are played in less then 20min
until they rup, until they join the server, until they switch maps, until they do cointoss etc
full rup 15min before schedule as a rule map switching goes fast anyway
quakacon ql ctf final lasted 2h+
sc2 finals have best of 7 format = 2h+ gametime
ql duel maptime = 10 minutes forced
how can you compare duels to teamgames? duel cups have much more players = more brackets so they have to be shorter not to mention the size of duel maps it makes so sense to make them longer think logically
Ok, you claim 2 hours for a final. Well, the final last night lasted 3 hours with only best of 3 twice. You want to increase that??
From what i have read the final lasted 3h because the server was ddosed all the time resulting in pauses every 5 min + neither side could reach an agreement how the final should be played and as a result it has been played twice. The overall purpose of the 5 map is to reduce the impact of non player issues like lags in the outcome of the whole match. what is more lotto - winning 2 maps on a lag server or winning 3 maps on a lag server? It's simple logic. The format of EC is played has to be changed and it's obvious because right now it's a plain joke and 5 map format is a possible solution.
No, it's a grand final of a Double Elimination bracket which means the final is played twice if the Winner bracket team loses the first final.
yes you are right 2 x 5 map is too long but with the group + knockout system that crumbs posted a 5 map format could work quite well since the final would be played only once
There are a lot of possibilities. Maybe SE is an option, but it's up to the cup admins to decide that.
i think it's time for a new poll
Only the EC players should have a vote if there would be a poll. But to be honest, even those players shouldn't have a vote in these things, because often most of them are unaware of the advantages and disadvantages. A poll is mostly not a good idea.
It's like cup admins have make the decision basing on the poll result. A poll/article w/e for the sole purpose of new ideas for the ec system would be interesting imo
A poll is never a good idea except for "taste" stuff such as mappools.
he's talking about CTF
I was talking about duel
quake isn't only about duel :)
compare a team game to another team game :)

well it's not applicable to SC, but SC isn't a fps.
And honestly, ET games (i mean the actual playing time, not the bullshit before and warmups) are really too short.
I couldnt even keep my eyes open during an RTCW war
That's because you are an lazy bastard :DDDDDDDDD
hooooooooooooooooooi :D
Just make the tourneys old champions league style

Two Group Stages, then knockout!

Loser Bracket is only good for lans imo.
+1 lets takeover the footballsystems

champions league -> ec
euroleague -> oc
that is a good idea
surely we prooved the loser bracket works, lost to dignitas in upper bracket then beat them in loser bracket
how is one match result relevant at all when comparing 2 tournament formats?

you missed his point totally
I think having two group stages still allows the 'best' teams to reach the final. But then the final isnt so much of a drag. Also it might be more exiciting, when both teams know they must win, instead of just the loser bracket team in the first match.
It could work with one bracket only, it would take too much time though.
bo5 could work really well in ET. Since the adoption of 5on5, map times have reduced a lot, as 5on5 disavantages the defense more than the attack (and because current teams don't prac enough). Last serious games i played on 5on5 felt like it went random and too fast. Adding a 3rd map to win could be really nice. Especially on tight games where a little mistake can cost you a map, and since half of our maps are a bit luck biased (deli, adler, frost...), it could only do good :)

This + spawntimes fix = <3
bo5 and no lotto maps k thx
1 EC / year
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