

so as i didn't see this match...,2-2 what happened? :O
QuoteSomeone hacked the server -> resulted in lags and servercrashes (2x). Millions of pauses. After nearly 3 hours they gave it up and rescheduled the match.

1st map supply. impact set a time (10 minutes). ffive couldnt get flag @ the first 5 minutes. Server started to lag the first time. Made attacking impossible. 2-0 impact
2nd map goldrush. impact secured already obj and had 2 minutes left to drive the truck and win the 2nd map, but server crashed. again many lags and thousands of pauses. 4-0 impact -> they won the first match

2nd match:
1st map delivery: ffive were defending and around 7-8 minutes passed already. Was a good time for ffive but suddenly the server crashed again. huge discussion started. last but not least after many many pauses ffive managed to secure both objectives and won the map. 2-0 ffive
2nd map adlernest(because impact wernt allowed to pick goldrush twice): ffive rolled impact and set a time around 3 minutes. Lags started every 30 seconds-> we had more pause than match. around 1,5 minutes left for allies attack and a pause at 30 respawntime by axis and some huge laggs resulted in 2 or 3 fullspawns of ffive. -> not fair -> ffive disconnected -> impact (ross) protested -> everyone left server -> ircdiscussion
it was a server(hardware) fault or did someone made the server laging (if that's even possible?).

so i gues it's not worth to watch the replay as there is a pause every 2 min? :)
Someone was ddosing the server causing everyone to lag out and stuff
grzesiek striked again
Poland's fault
GTV and CB are still very good
watch demand

cu tomorrow .
if you really care, read comments for fuck sake, no need for another journal
You dont sound too thrilled.

btw, if you check the replay, you can see skooli saying something along the lines of "being able to remove the server from the serverlist"

anyone from CB looked into this for you guys so you can actually.....play?
its not the issue, impact dont have players
They are pushing
to nie jest takie trudne
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