Desktop Showoff Contest

Inspire me with modern, elegant and simple Desktops!
I'm always looking for some nice ideas, kinda hung atm!

Well here's mine:
image: fotow
wtf i wouldn't be showing that to anyone :S
utf8 is not recomended n stuffz
look what i have done

image: oreo4t
i only like the cookies, not the middle

yo fuck off
image: screen-15-46-03

image: nodice

Although I am formatting in just a couple of hours.

What're you running out of curiosity? I'm literally doing three OS installs today hopefully, trying out Debian-testing for the first time (probably as the main OS), installing 64bit arch (never actually ran a 64bit os, gonna use it for tinkering and shit), and getting a fresh XP-SP3 install.

Can't decide on desktop environments yet but I know I won't really have time to fuck around with that shit when uni starts, part of me thinks Gnome+compiz is genuinely going to be good for everyday but part of me wants openbox for simplicity ;_;. I did also run XFCE for a while but i dunno it just seemed "unpolished". good alternative to gnome if you don't want to stretch as far as fluxbox/openbox and such.

but is not really the simple type desktop:/ go for openbox then not gnome-.-

open box is good looking, if u want gnome to be good looking u need to tweak it badly with compiz.

not like eye candy is that important but is alwyas better to have it nice hah
the main reason i used compiz was the scale plugin and very little else, had it set up as a mouse "hotkey", could just throw my cursor to top right and it would activate. good for casual window switching =o)

really don't like KDE to be honest, much prefer gnome/gtk based environment :3
hahahah actually kde has the scale plugin thingie for default, when i was trying it out for the first time the windows did that effect randomly and i was like "the fuck?!" then i noticed that it happend each time i putted the cursor on the screens left top corner. Usefull indeed.

anyway i might try openbox out as a 2nd desktop enviroment option, i never used openbox and im feeling tempted
yeah its really light but really powerful/customizable. if you are to put the time in you can make a really usable desktop though by default i will admit it is a bit lacking
yeh but i noticed it has some sort of panel in the menu(right clic or so)? so its easy to configure
gnome/debian user here. :p
why do you prefer kde? and what are the advantages against gnome?
i tested kde4 once (long time ago) but meh. i might look back into it again soon :p (probably with gentoo at the same time)
nah not really any avantages, its just to what someone is used, i had kde since my first pc and when i use gnome i feel like its ugly. and anyway u can alwasy install both desktops and switch between em:P
For casual window switching:set up openbox to leave a margin of 1-2px on the right side of the screen and use the mousewheel to switch through workspaces.
i did use the desktop scroll but never considered setting up a forced margin.... mmm. it's still no awesome3 though :P
You don't see such a small margin and as long as programs are only maximised you can always scroll through every workspace.

Last time I checked Debian seemed to be fucking ugly. They could at least try to make it look somewhat pleasing to the eye. Login screen, notifications, themes. Meh. :&
all the aesthetic stuff is obviously customizable... :3

i dunno.... i'm moving out soon and won't have that much time to keep shit running properly (eg: what you need to do with arch since stuff breaks all the time) but i still don't like the idea of running something like ubuntu. i figured therefore debian is stable and has a package manager i'm familiar with that it should be a good choice... dunno yet, guess i'll find out soon
Yeah but ubuntu managed to get the aesthetics right even though they screw up usability a bit more with every new release. ;)

I've only tried debian based distros so far. Way too lazy to read into others and compile everything when there's an awesome package manager and a halfway decent default setup.
if you ever do feel like reading into it/learning about it then i can highly recommend arch! the default install does require you to read through some of your .conf's and when you're done you get left in a terminal with no X and only a bash environment and have to install from that point upwards but the upside is you don't compile everything like distros such as gentoo. the package manager is absolutely amazing and not only do you get a system with only what you actually need but you learn a lot in doing so
Sounds quite nice actually. I'll put it on the list of things to do whenever I have a shitload of time. :)
Those ss i posted are from a debian.
Yeah but I'm no fan of KDE. And the default Gnome setups looked pretty bad last time I checked.
yes they still do
what is this tony hawk game?
which? tony hawks american wasteland? its pretty meh, prefer the older ones :\
i thought its some kind of new thps ;]
and yeah, thps3 > rest
I'm running Debian sid (sidux) and I like it pretty much. The good thing about sid is, you always have the newest packages in your repositories!
Well I would recommend you XFCE4 + Compiz. You can mostly make it look like gnome or whatever. You have lots of customization options I like fluxbox as well, but (at least if u install kde-full) you have way too much ressources filled with needless stuff. Depends on what you need!
Mrh, if I wanted the "newest" I'd stay on archlinux and update everything with abs, the price you pay for being on the edge though is having to maintain it :F

is it easy to get packages from sid/unstable even if you are only on squeeze/testing? i imagine there are certain apps i would like from unstable but for most testing would be best i think
Not that much work, one big disadvantage is fucked up depencies, that happens once in a while that you have broken depencies. Maintaining it isn't that hard neither.

Never tried archlinux tho, but I'd like to give it a try; I also wanted to try DSL and Mandriva.
One of the best distro IMHO is Fedora!
hahah using the same here, debian sid.

image: 54735728


image: 30608108
i actually dont know how to make this kind of stuff on windows, I mean i know how to add tweaked themes and all but i never really tried to do such thing, for once windows looks good:d

i alwasy used the windows 98 theme on windows
Awesome wallpapers! Where did you get those?
Parent :p
post clean wallpapers pls.
image: cubef

image: 4desktops

was trying kwin out, compiz is better, but it sometimes fails on kde

BTW i just putted those applets on for the ss not using them
<3 pidgin
i like kopete more but i cant have xfire there

ed: oh wait u actually can now, last time i checked it wasnt possible!
what do you think is better for someone willing to learn and become an experienced Linux user, KDE or Gnome?
Both are rather very easy. But theres more beginners using gnome than KDE because ubuntu comes with gnome by default, but they are both the same easy, the bad thing about gnome is that by default is ugly, kde is eye candy right from the start. And KDE is more "windows" alike with the menus and stuff.

Both are a good pick, but if u care about eye candy then KDE is a better choice.

But you do know that kde and gnome are not distros, they are desktpo enviroments right? In any distro u can install them by one simple command, and u can actually have all desktop enviroments u want, u can change between them on the start when u login, that would be usefull for u, you could have both and test em then keep the one u like the most
Yeah I knew that they are not distributions : P but didn't know that they are that easy to swap ( :
image: kdelucid06

Looks like this;)
I fail to see a picture
fired up is hilarious xD
one of the best on this kind of genere:pp
Where did you get that background :D
found it at someone's deviantart page.
Any chance you could link me or upload?
image: 15685
e: will upload higher res now.
had this one before
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