The Aalborg case

Great work by Kamz, no doubt but actually i feel like we need some consequences.

Killerboy demands a permaban for those 2 guys but actually what they were trying to do is attempted deception and nothing to be made fun of.
Actually, as kamz already said, they were working pretty newbish and seem to not have too much experience about such things but it may have had a terrible end if some people really would have paid.

My question is just: Who would be responsible in our community to act in the name of the community and sue them?
Tosspot? Krosan? Billerkoy?
kamz only noticed the banner because of me anyway

np guys, anytime
oh and it's not 2 guys, proficio is adi's fake acc
idd, he said that 2 other orga's are using that account too. I checked some ip's on that account and some ip's lead to a dedibox in the US, probably a proxy, but why would an orga use a proxy unless he has to hide something..

I never trusted the guy, also partly because of what you wrote about him in that journal.

[14:25:06] [@[CB]Killerboy] 10778 proficio 14 Jul 10, 21:31 = N/A bosnia/helsegovinia
[14:25:06] [@[CB]Killerboy] 10778 proficio 9 Apr 10, 08:11 - N/A denmark
[14:25:06] [@[CB]Killerboy] 10778 proficio 28 Jan 10, 14:19 - N/A proxy USA
[14:25:14] [@[CB]Killerboy] others are all adi's ips
sherlock xDDDD
the one from bosnia is also his
I knew about this fake acc from the beginning, that was his original account, later he stole an account from a slovenian and pretended that it was his OLD account, that's the one he has now
Heh indeed, that I never saw that lol.....
He asked for permission to use proficio though.
adi lost all his money in poker so it was very weak attempt to get some money ;X
others got dsrack
QuoteGame genres and prizes:

Counter-Strike 1.6 - €25,000
Counter-Strike: Source - €25,000
Call of Duty 4 - €20,000
StarCraft II - €5,000
Heroes of Newerth/DotA - €1,000
Bowling - €200

we got aeg
making it news worthy, that's were it went wrong tbh
You can't sue him for being a lying attentionwhore. He didn't steal from anyone and crossfire newsposts is far from legal evidence material.

Yes we can ban him but I'd wait for him to make a statement.
"to make a statement"

gade een persconferentie houden?
Just interested in what his response is.
serious business!
shut up you
:( sorry boss
Next time: ban!
Well it was our luck that kamz became sceptical and ended the game before it even started...
but the attempt to that organized deception is definitely worth getting consequences
an attempt to defraud is a criminal act as far as I know
Go ahead, sue him.
never said someone should do it. just wanted to say that it could be a criminal act
Hard to proof!
Meanwhile in Denmark

image: mwdylw
yea give the guy more attention, just fucking ban him away :X
I'm pretty sure it is a criminal act. I'm not sure who could/would file charges though. Unless someone was actually defrauded it's only attempted fraud, so it would have to be a criminal prosecution filed by the state, rather than a civil case for compensation.

I guess there's no harm someone reporting it to the Danish police, but I doubt anything will come of it.
If the state wants to sue him, np4me ^^
Most likely (in UK law) to get a suspended jail sentence and a fine, if convicted. I have on idea what the Danish system is like.

Anyway, it won't happen unless someone actually reports it, and even then it's very unlikely.
The idea alone of these consequences being possible should scare off future trolls quite effectively.
I blame Meez tbh
What? It's fake?! Already booked flights :<. FML
anyone want to summarize what happened please?
haha, some people payed already? :D
No ofc not -_-

They're just countertrolling
grammar police is watching YOU
someone should call the FBI or the CIA on their asses!
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Adi is Danish, right? If so, the best we could do would be to report him to the Danish police. I guess the best person to do that would be one of the Danes.

If anyone was actually defrauded (as in, spent money because of the scam) then that's probably cause for a civil case (definitely so if they actually sent Adi money), and that might actually get somewhere. If this happened to anyone (I don't think anyone was foolish enough to fall for it, but you never know), they should definitely contact their local police to see what options they have.
well actually the lan event has been published in many different communities and a member of crossfire revealed what was going on so i dont know how fast all the newswriters are with copying this info...
might happen that it doesnt reach everyone and some payment would take place or whatever.

but i agree with you, reporting it to the denish police is a good choice since in my eyes it was a planned attempted crime and no joke or anything to not be taken serious
I live in Aalborg as well, but don't think police would care about it.
I agree it's unlikely they'd do anything, but it is attempted fraud as far as I can tell, and that's definitely a crime.
i didn't really follow it on crossfire, just partly, but if anyone was harmed (and i mean money in that case), someone should report that case to the danish police imo... this is not some foolish troll anymore if you want to steal money from ppl with such an attempt.
It was adi only, not two guys.
Now danish mafia is chasing adi cos he can't pay his debts. bb
I always disliked adi and now I know why.. cause he's a piece of crap, attention whore, always lying and doing nothing but telling stories such as I'M AGAINST ARROGANCE. bullshit, die already you piece of shit.
I don't know why he do that....even though I treated him like a princess....afterall...he's my future wife...


image: 20hpr46


image: sxc5ec
hahahhah motherfucker :D but hey adi, nice idea, if u planned it good enough u would'of get some money, but not enough for a lawyer... u did it so wrong... but hey nice try.

but, lock him up.
btw, what even happend?
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