Suggestion to Clanbase & Crossfire?

Hello Crossies!

As our community and other games community starts to crash because of the kids around trolling, cheating and abusing. Not understanding that even if something is free that means somebody else is paying for it with money or time. Lets say 5 years ago there was more friendly people on Internet and on the public servers. Maybe not so much people playing, but still friendly.

I was thinking that maybe its time to make accounts not free. Lets say Crossfire and Clanbase accounts could be merged and payd monthly, one time only or by the year? The prize should not be to big, because kids that are trolling and cheating don’t have even that kind of money.

I know there is a Clanbase "VIP" but if you make lets say a EC & OC cups. You have to have a paid account to enter the competition. In order to post something on Crossfire you need to have account that is paid for.

That way Clanbase & Crossfire will get money and with that money they can pay admin`s or maybe even pay for the server?

Its not easy to make something like this happen but it is totally possible. With the accounts that are not free are more easy to ban and coming back is much harder, because when you pay something you need to put your real name in lets say "PayPal". If this happens community will go smaller and maybe even die for a while, but like somebody said "Where there is the end there is a beginning"

Sorry for my bad English. I talk good, but my spelling is a disaster
Fuck off, aint paying shit for an account
It's not that anyone would miss you! :P
You would!:(
Paying for crossfire?
Sounds like a plan to me....
Won't happen since there will always be people that won't be able to pay for an account or are not allowed to pay for it or just don't care about paying for it
posting real name on a gaming site, what next? shoesize , dicklenght ?
I see you havent payd anything via Internet. You dont put your real name on gaming site. You put it in PayPal account. Only PayPal knows your real name and if neede crossfire admins.
i use moneybookers.
Hey .
I have 17 my dad doesnt wanna buy me CF acc can some1 from finnland PM me to help me i will send him 10 euro more ty -.-
Plz realy need !
Dont delete this comment plz
since when paypal used real names?
My Visa card requires it :) Dont know the other method of payment.
ever heard of paypal funds?
Whats up with the PayPal questions :D Its a suggestion. Not that it will happen.
so you want CF and CB to die? not to mention CB has more than just ET, lets make CB paid for every game cuz et kids are retarded.
worst idea ever
The famous Q3 player Sol4R? from vanilla freeztag 1999 ? :D
nevermind you musnt be the same guy, if you remember "PooH's" freezetag server from back in the old days and some doods called Fool, Deathrow, Fraggie etc then you're the right guy :)
never heard of :P
The esl is shit cause you need trusted + premium to play in a shitty cheater contaminated ladder.
cheaters everywhere despite premium accounts
you do not have to pay anything to take part at enemy territory competitions at esl. (premium is NOT required for esl major series where you can win money or any other ladder/league/cup)

additionally there is no game at esl where you have to buy a premium account to play it! there are always free ladders without premium and trusted restrictions. e.g. counter-strike: the 5on5 ladder is completly free like much more, only the 5on5 EAS as next "level" requires premium and trusted but only since the EAS is the only way to qualify for the professional EPS with more than 100,000 euro prizemoney each season.

and about you cheating point: different persons have always different feelings. i for myself cannot confirm this. i dont know exactly about which game you are talking, but aequitas has done much at the big game sections like cs and the newest esl anti-cheat generation will bring even more success against cheaters.
yeah you're right. you dont need premium but you have to buy trusted.
I am talking about the css ladder. they are full with cheaters. aeq isn't that good tbh...
no! you can play both css ladder (5on5 and 5on5 mr15) without trusted. you do not have to pay anything!

(i saw on your profile that you are german :) )
ah yes i forgot...only trusted for 1vs1. 2vs2 and 3vs3..ok
I support this idea.
Why not make an CF account 5-10€ a year?
Everyone can afford 10€!
If someone (like me) got no paypal make a possibility to do it via bank transfere.
Even if your parents dont allow you to do it, everyone can ask a friend to transfere 10€ for him!
That money could also be used for LANs and other community events like the News Contribution event we once had.

Guess this should be worth a lil discussion.
Someone should write a column about it...
(Nelly, your turn!)
this idea is bullshit, cf is community, this is not some special high society club where u have some membership payment. Idea of paying just to be a part of community (mostly with members around free game) is a bit retarded, it would kill ET most likely
Would you pay for CF?
I would if it would be granted that the Community will be cheater-free (or at least with less cheaters than we have atm).
The cheaters will think twice about cheating/registering...
At least thats what I hope.
no, I wouldnt pay for cf
why 10€ for cf? where are the advantages?

if you want to invest in LANs, then ask cf to implement a donate button.
Problem is that cf means everything to these "trolls and nerds". I think they wouldn't mind to pay €10,- a year for something on which they spend 3-5 hours a day.
I would say that many ppl would rather choose to quit playing ET than being forced to pay just to be able to play few competitions in free game (this goes for ET, would be even more stupid in case of cod players who already needed to pay for game itself)...
loooool.. mate i can see u have no knowlege about how internet bussiness work..

more ppl signup on cf/cb more money they get from sponsors.. just look arround cf website..
Its not about the money that cb or cf gets. Its about making a better community.
u dont have to make users pay.. its like asking youtube users to pay to watch the vids :S

if u want to make a better community make speedlink release their "bust list"
no paying for something that is free is dumb. wouldnt help a bit as the cheatrs are the ones willing to spend money on the game(cheats) not the clean players.
we just need to go back to the time when we kicked cheatrs when playing too obvious.
everyone is accusing everyone nowadays so :(
thats the problem. the confidence is completely destroyed. back in the days you simply knew who was cheating and you kicked him. nowadays everyone is whining about random stuff such as a regular spawnnade ur a basic position rape. ET just became rather lowskilled and whiney.
If a cheater buys an private hack he also doesnt mind to pay the 10 euro's for CF

All i would like to see are some active admins who would activly clean up the mess that is is called "journals".
if I had money to pay for CB and cf I'd spend it on a bot
epic comment :D
yes, give tosspot more ideas how to earn money by wanking :X
pay to play a free game, no thanks
SLAC to the motherfucking rescue bitches.
Trolling should just be forbidden. We need a mod-team that constantly checks for trolls etc. They will have to give warnings and eventually delete content or ban users. We need troll-police for real.

Not to mention that cheaters are the ones spending money on this game.
"That way Clanbase & Crossfire will get money and with that money they can pay admin`s... "

If a cheater pays for a privatehack, why would they pay for clanbase? The players who are clean, have to pay for their mistake.. Still its a nice idea, but i dont think it will help. Because the cheaters will pay for it
Shit idea , not going to pay onaboot acconut:DDDD
keep on dreaming.
bad idea, and lolled at this:

Quotebecause kids that are trolling and cheating don’t have even that kind of money.
I know there is a Clanbase "VIP" but if you make lets say a EC & OC cups. You have to have a paid account to enter the competition. In order to post something on Crossfire you need to have account that is paid for.

image: trolled_hard
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