why the f*** is grush too big for 3on3

Its always the same, no matter who we play against.
More than 50% of all 3on3 oppos just flame us because goldrush is our homemap.

What the hell is so negative about goldrush?
actually its awesome since there is not just one single obj to do which can be done within a few minutes if you luckily get some guys on full...
the objectives are just perfectly balanced for both sides competing and there are plenty of opportunities to just be annoying.
its definitely not a purely aimbased map and thats good for poor aimers like me.

Right now we played against some retards from the US who were actually pretty decent aimwise.
Their map was supply, which we won and when we voted our beloved map, they started a discussion of 15 minutes that goldrush is the worst crap since its too big (their map was supply and they loved supply in 3on3 (c) by USA)
finally one of those guys was pissed by the other ones texting all the time so he readied the team and guess what... they ragequit when we were blowing the bankdoors after 3 mins.

good 3o3 map :)
-random agreement-
Don't care about oppo
as it seems some/many amercian brains arent big enough to see where are the important ways to go depending on the differen stages.
it's an awesome 3v3 map.. requires a bit more teamplay than most other 3v3 maps
-random fucking agreement-
good map, ignore retards.
goldrush is a legend
better for 5on5 and I personally prefer other maps for 3on3, but it's a fine map
that happens because most of the 3on3 players are brainless cheaters/nerds :]
does your 2on2 mate flame about it? :P
nooo, why would he :P
only delivery bobs bitch about gr :)
lol i bet they werent even american you just decided hey if i say their american everyone will agree with me on crossfire!
grush 3on3 > 5on5
Ubuntu CD gefunden oder hat Claudia die noch?
sie hat sie versteckt!!
aber ich habs bereits neu gebrannt
its the best map, who cares about their opinion anyway.
fuck 3on3
you need brain to win that map
i took new pic today, check profile!!
i saw it :) man you hotttt
Thanks, been working out alot lately : ) & just some small details on my looks & ye you see the result.
Why is goldrush too big for 3on3?
who says it is
Battery is even better :D
1st can be a bit of a bitch, bit easy to defend 3v3. the worst though was having to play bremen in a2v2 when it 1st came out. now that map was too big.
fuck off with grush, delivery for me only :_D
shit map
fucking americans
hi v1ech
mister supply only :DD
Yeah there are those delivery / braundorf heros who always whine about gr xD

"I wanna paly delivery good fps, no need to aim, lean only"
It's a map that requires more teamplay than most, especially when attacking. That's why it brings up hatred in many 3on3 teams, especially lower ones. Many other maps are much easier to attack by just overpowering the enemy team with your aim.

Also, some people with a bit older hardware (especially less memory and a low-end cpu) have huge fps drops in the map because it is so poorly optimized and it has such wide open spaces. For example, a clanmate of mine has an unstable fps of 25-40 or so in the more open areas of the map.
best map in ET for both 5o5 AND 3on3! Always play it @ 3o3, oppo's whine a lot ;<<
the best 3on3 map :O)
fu kurwa, supply > grush!
well... grush in 3o3 i a bit too much spawn based... with bad spawn its very hard to leave your own spawn...

Despite that, its really good :-)

[but stilll supply is better, as its best map in ET]
i think that especially grush is not spawn based since in every spawnpoint has plenty of different opportunities to get to the obj
kinda, but using different route is way to much time eating and axis can move their asses and kill u anyway
this is our homemap in 2on2 as well, some polaks & foamea didn't want to play gold cos its too big :(
sona.et aka goldrush.only :P cya on monday
why do u lose everytime then ?
we dont loose everytime... but the fact we always play it doesnt mean we re the best players of et on it...
there are plenty of guys who are better and thats okay :)
furthermore we really got some bad days from time to time where we even loose every map :P
seriousness is not our motto
seriousness is not our motto

are u kidding? i play for fun ? WTF IS THIS ? :DD <3
great map no mather what the format :D
its just too different for people who play anything but gold :P
Gold is probably an even better map than supply. The people who whine about it probably like playing braun/adler and shitty RTCW maps that dont work in ET.
They flame, because they are noobs.

Ask fikser!
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