mAus got nothing on these nerds

boring tbh
what a horrible existence
He's doing it without even looking! 0:52
what a tool lol
you'd be doing worst if you lived in china.
ye but does not live in china
and if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.
omg i want this job!! this is me in the future, i can see it clearly!!!
ye u really need that in ur life to have a goot life
Something you gypsies would do in Israel eh? :Dd
what if mAus is one of those?
oh, my, god. :oo
mAus got nothing on you baby
nothing on you baby
not rly funny you faggot
no wonder there are sometimes cards missing
thats what happens if you buy a shit deck ;)
What's so special about that? People working in any sort of factory where they have to fold paper can do the same. You problably can do that in a couple of months.
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