fuchs cheats BUSTED

i'm gonna kiss you all good bye

I'm movin very soon :) feels very good just 2 days left tomrrow is my last night at this wierdo computer then i'm kicked out of the house to my own apartment livin the life of my own

one thing i miss is internet not couse of ET because i'm very bored at this game haha but the friends and stuff well i might see you from time to time :)

and everytime i close my eyes i see your face and you can never be replaced baby why dont you say you love me one last time

Peace your own stazi fuchs teh pimp

and NO i dont hack but i did have more kills butchji remember it ^^
säääkert futch ;)
gl hf
i love ya, gl in the future <3
dont leave me fuchs :-(
sorry mate :( you got one more night with me tomorrow then i'm gone :(
will u come on irc every now nd again? :<
sure,see u next week
One day :)
i gonna miss u :(
everytime i close my eyes i see your face and you can never be replaced baby why dont you say you love me one last time
hehe <3
fuchs u ugly lowbird <3
die of aids
bye fuchs, btw u maybe have more kills then butchji, but at our last war together, i had more hs than u :-]
du har slutat med et typ 700 gånger nu fuchs
näää. max 400 ggr.
byebye, best swedish playah!
Fuchs är best !
akta er pesh kollar genom väggar
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