breakfast journal¿

wanted an omelette but couldnt find anything interesting, fried eggs and toast. hopefully someone else was more interesting

image: 10zwlqa

and a cup of lady grey with a slice of lemon for those who like tea.

image: 2vifaxt

jewing out here via phone because pc is formatting. gonna pala it up a little with a fag screenshot

image: 2vbna09

random vid/amazing song

so what you eatin?
e: oh dear baggiez making bitter edits
earl grey > lady grey
Eating yesterday's burger after getting it at 5am
why did you get it yesterday but didn't eat it?? :O
Too cold to eat outside + ate fries and drank coke and was kinda full
aaah ok :D
Your egg is undercooked, and I don't see any black pepper. Disappointed. I'm assuming there was salt involved, I hope I'm not being too generous.
+1 on black pepper.

e: had an egg and bacon baguette.
true, i burnt the bottoms so had to take them off. awful with frying things (except stir fry, that i'm all over). salt is awful and you can feel the unhealthy while you eat. really yuck
The 0.1g of salt it takes to elevate 2 eggs from "did I just eat rubber" to "holy fuck that's awesome" isn't even remotely unhealthy. My housemates always comment when I put a giant pinch of salt into a full pot of chilli, right before they tuck into their delicious readymeals - which just so happen to contain about twice as much of the offending substance than my entire pot of chili does.

I recommend Maldon Sea Salt for stuff like eggs. Table salt has a chemical-ish taste that I can't stand.
ROFL shows a lot about ur nutrition knowledge
i was being over dramatic but there is nothing wrong with not being a fan of salt considering most things already have too much
there isn't a problem, but too bad, it's the same story with people who thinks fat is something wrong
i dont have salt on my dinner or aything neither peper, every one else seems to cake there dinner with salt its just wrong.
image: leberkaese_selbstgebacken
image: spiegelei_neu
image: 5053_m
as breakfast and lunch in one meal.
making some toast with cheese, ate some meat for lunch
coffee, spaghetti
i had an english fry up, if it wasnt for that i think i would still be throwing up.
But then you'd have had more room for the english breakfast. Difficult decision.
it is indeed, but in the state im in eating it was the wisest choice
excellent choice, the broeal
LoL Fail.
this journal reminded me i havent eaten anything since i woke up
Breath. Just a reminder.
Thanks man i was wondering why i was seeing stars

Gut war's.
frites and chicken nuggets
Cookies. But I haven't moved out of bed yet and it was the only thing near.
why is one of the applications on your phone a fleshlight?
Dont see any fried eggs. Just some fresh eggs on a plate
How's the N900?
i'd say its a class above most smartphones, if meego is anything like this then nokia can start going uphill again

so far its just little things that are so convenient, i haven't even scratched the surface of the power/customizability of it just playing around with the standard repositories so far. because it's a proper PC os it really is simple to just throw up a new tab, search a youtube video and copy paste it into crossfire, im surprised how quickly/lagless it copes with this too. also we were in the car and was discussing some song with my friend that he couldn't remember how it went, decided to try opening a youtube video then activating the FM transmitter. worked flawlessly but i really didn't expect it to

apps talk to each other/run like they would on a desktop which i find refreshing compared to iphone/android mentality of "one app does this one thing and this one thing only"

can't comment about battery life yet but i imagine it wont be great on wifi/3g at all, can probably get 4-5 days on 2g/wifi disabled
It's nice to see Nokia have finally started concentrating on the software. I've been keeping an eye on MeeGo for a while and it really does sound like the next big thing, and plus they have Intel right beside them.

Quoteapps talk to each other/run like they would on a desktop which i find refreshing compared to iphone/android mentality of "one app does this one thing and this one thing only"

Android and iOS does seem quite backwards considering the power some of their phones have. As you said, those limitations are probably due to size and bettery life. I hope Nokia and Intel do pull this off. It's about time phones became PCs.
I had 3 tostis :)

Btw Meez,

had chero'es and loads of milk : )
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