baba back!

Heyo guys, how is live goin?

I am back to ET a bit, after 5 years inactivity.
Well, I had to study etc, and now I have finally my freetimes. Will use it for ET ofc, my fam and friends!
If some of you dont know me, here is my old account which I cant get back from the admins, I already requested but I dont get a message back

Anything new? Anyone up to play some public or irc war with me :)?
5 years of inactivity meaning you didn't play at all?
and you became 10 years older?
nice Germany ip mister
well, if you could see my message I am in germany here. study + fam
wb baba :>
wb junky or some other random cheater :x
if theres a recruitment post soon it is junky
wb junky or some other random cheater :x
baba was legit, stop the junky nonsense - or get Kamzlock Holmes to sort this out
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