sth vs team canada

Incase your not in the know there is a match happening right now between Stronger Than Hate vs Team Canada ( -ETTV)

butchji (zP!, team germany)
potter (zP!, team austria)
reload (sFx.LAN, team estonia)
phobeus (cdap.pi, team hungary)
CS4f1 (und, team hungary)
eddie (noll8, team sweden)

This is the final of Blazens 1 day 6v6 cup which started at like 9pm gmt. Enjoy if you want to go watch it, the ettv server keeps kicking me :(
You need the Yank version of sw_gold, dodgy checksums ~/
Yeh, too much effort though i went to play cod2 instead :> you change my nick again btw ? :D
We'll find you a good nick one day ;)
Never play again with a ping like that. -_-
whine butchji, you need to start using nades more, it's just that!
playing with up to 200 ping is piss easy tbh stop whining...
k "evan".

(maybe an opinion based on playing rifle)
I play twl every single week, so i know what its like....Rifling is harder with higher ping, smg is easier (my opinion).
You have had a pretty shitty day then.
it says in your profile though that you've played with 140 ping, that is just bunnyshit though. Almost no difference.
You clicked his profile, omgoat fanboy xD
I just wanted to check so that his profile wasn't as cool as mine..
loekin's a closet reject u wanna be his fanboy? ;( OFF TO XKUWL
u get more hs with high ping and no one can hit u...

ET is one of the only games where u get benefit from being high pinger :)
blazen got pwned
lol i played too rofl0rz me@ matchwinner !
I just pasted the lineup that frozz said he was going to play i didnt get to see the final.
You have had a pretty shitty day then.
You have had a pretty shitty start to the day then.
Too bad canada :(
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