
a mate of mine has a problem. his console doesnt show text or stats. if someone has a hint which has nothing to do with format, reinstall or other equally usefull comments, i/he would be thankfull if u post it here.
someone had same probb. try to use search button
thx. i found the right journal. new prob: no comments are shown. bug or am i just dumb?
ctrl + L

usually I got this when I have scrolled console too up, try scrolling down for a while
Hi, I am the guy with the problem in his console.
My console just displays 5 lines when ET starts up, the 5th line says "client initialization".
After that nothing is displayed, no kills, stats, server msgs, selfkills or anything else.

there must be a cmd in my "new" cfg which "clears" my console.

if anyone knows this command, please help me!


here is a screenshot from my console, u can see were it starts and where it stops :


u can take a look in my config by clicking on my profile.
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