1st day at the job
6 Sep 2010, 09:47
LoL, so my new boss offered me a cup of coffee which i couldn't resist ofc since normally i wake up at 12 and now i had to wake up at 7! what i forgot was that my stomach gets pretty active when i drink it in the early morning, so basically what happened was i took a huge dump and the toilet almost didn't wanna flush anymore! ;D and since im currently at his home office, it's kinda emberassing =D but oh well, he offered me the coffee, right! ok just had to share this so now i dont feel bad about it anymore :d
and don't u dare write tl;dr u cancer nerds
and don't u dare write tl;dr u cancer nerds
huge is an understatement if you had trouble flushing it
haha sinds wanneeer heb je een leven aman.. hou maar op met het geintje en kom op vent.. 2on2 NOW
wat leuk voor je viesnaarlelijkpoepsnuivendehoer
want hij is helemaal niet busted die killerboy praat poep
succes op je werk dan
maar werkt niet goed