Black ops

Dedicated servers .... but from one host? What the hell, seriously?
its because they dont trust people lik you
ive lost faith in the CoD series a long time ago
they have lots of Server Locations and they don't seems that expensive so why would you care?
Well other GSPs would like to benefit from the fact there IS a server release, but can't - it is ridiculous
Many clans have their own root server which is a lot cheaper and can host multiple servers for multiple games.
ok you got a point there
It's not like I care about COD, but 18 server locations across world... 8D

no local communities, only approved service providers :]

gaming 2k10, wheres my xbox?
mw2 = pure campers, so not too excited about this instalment
lol u should see what's coming, going even worse. (u can launch "predator wich is going horizontally across the map, u can install camera into some corner behind u so u wont get backraped when u camp and stuff)
rofl are you serious?

-.--------------- rly pathetic if true
nice additions, probably buy it anyway, but that controlled missile across the map i can tell is going to be a pain in the ass..
yea some of the new features sounds nice. But the things which make it even more easier to camp like the camera shit & stuff pisses me off. that was not on that video thou.
yeah annoying shit like sniper or smg'er with scavenger perk and claymores -.-
It's all about the money. Same with BC2. I hope that won't be the case with Brink. Don't fuck that up, Bethesda.
BOYCOTT! :D:D:;D:;D:;D:;:D
People said that about MW2, yet it seams to still be the most popular game on steam
Was joking, waiting for the boycott journels :P
Can't wait for my prestige edition, will roll hard.
no root = no win

but srsly who expected it not be be shit?
all i can say: MoH Tier One Edition
they trollllllllllllllll
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