Suggestion !

Well, i heard that ET is getting ported to the XREAL graphics engine. So i was thinking cant they compile an bug free version of in_mouse ?

so we could switch between "directinput" / "raw input"
i have no idea what you're sayin but you sound really smart so i approve
a suggestion is your mother
I'd be glad if someone just compiled the newest version of et-xreal
im glad i dont understand any of this shit
adjust settings to your liking.
learn to play with those settings.
never care about mouse settings ever again.
You got it wrong.

It just gets rid off the accel you get without using any nasty windows accelfixes
but if you are used to your current settings why mess with it?
Basicly you are not messing wiith the settings. The only thing that changes are the way how ET handles the mouse.

The only thing that changes is that you dont need a nasty windows hack to accomplish the same effect.

I suggest you go and read some articles on ESREALITY :)
im not trying to "beat" you on any technical part or anything...
im just saying that you want to change something (that could only be acciewved by windowshack) but my point was: im used to (all) my current settings, i dont need change
im 12 and what is this
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