A Serbian Film (2010)

6.2/10 hmm
i will wait for more votes,under 7.0 the movie is mostly nothing special,7.0-7.5 is mostly "okay" movie and from 7.6 its good

oh except garden state,which is the only movie on imdb which has about 1.0points more than it deserves
Following imdb scores, wtf?
imdb is a really good indicator of what you can expect from movies.
havent been dissappointed by high imdb-rating movies (starting from 7.6/7.7) yet
Seen some really good movies having 6 or less..
which ones?

transformers 7.3/10: it shows me,not a really bad movie,but also not a must-see..its basically a movie to be just entertained without being thrilled by it. so i wont watch it,unless im getting a advice to watch

once upon a time in america:8.4/10:it shows me:good movie,not perfect but definatelly worth to see and absolutelly classic, so i'll watch it
see, even such a shit movie having over 7?.. what you expect from it then? :D:D:D
hm i have only seen trailers about transformers,and i dont wanna see the whole movies because i know what it will be about.i dont like that movie at all anyway,because its dumb trash

but still you have to be honest and say:okay the story is bullshit and the movie is for idiots only,still it is very well done and has great special effects,and you have to appreciate that,even though i would never watch that movie

anyway i mostly start watching imdb movies at about 7.6/7.7, so 7.2 for transformers still falls through my filter
i dont say i dont watch such movies.but i guess this movie is not a bad movie,it is a "okay" movie which is entertaining,but nothing mindblowing which leaves you stunned.

i guess it will be something like this:
I watched the trailer and to me they both seem nothing alike. Darjeeling Limited is a poetic, quiet, introversial movie that lives off the dialogue and imagery. The Matador looks like the usual "Boring guy meets exciting guy and despite their differences they become best friends"-kinda movie.
i dont mean the story etc is similar.what i mean is:you watch the movie,its okay,its entertaining,nothing special,movie ends,you turn it off and forget about it,you watch the next movie...
Darjeeling Limited didn't feel anything like that to me. I suggest you watch it yourself despite the imdb ratings as it's one of my favourites.. It's a personal recommendation and you can hit the ignore button me if it sucked.
alright ill put it on my list,it really doesnt seem bad on the first view,lets see if it can turn out to be "really good"
i have finished to watch all top 100 imdb movies, and nearly every movie <1975 and every animation movie is highly overrated
i wont watch animation movies either :D dont think its funny,dont like the kids humour etc..waste of time
€:gut außer animes,die zählen da wohl nicht rein,aber hab ich noch nie ne affinität zu gehabt..sollte ich aber mal schauen,bestimtme gute filme dabei
Probably it's rather because you don't understand those movies which were produced before 1975. :)
u didnt see one right?
he is right, the same reason pupl fiction or the godfather for example won't be as remarkable as it was in the 80-90's, it's a different time
i didnt say something else...
i know the reason of the high ranks, but they are still overrated.
people will think avatar is shit in 20 years cause 3d will be nothing special, but a year ago it was simply amazing...
in 20 years i will not give a shit if avatar was a sensation in 2009, i want to see a movie that deserves a 8.xx rating on imdb.

have watched godfather 30 years after its release and its still one of my favourtie movies...
i dont get it. you said almost every movie produced before '75 is overrated and then you say godfather is one of your favourites? is godfather one of these exceptions or you meant movies produced after '75? "<" means before.
yes godfather is one of the few exceptions
I've seen many old movies and I quite enjoyed them. Sure, everyone got his taste but saying that Psycho is a shit movie simply isn't true in any way.
he takes imdb scores seriously
it helps not wasting my precious time
imdb fails hard at comedy movies...

and those hollywoodaction movies which are good produced but with a shit story like
dejavu, vantage point, salt, transformers etc are all overrated
ja gut da muss man halt manuell aussortieren;
comedys schau ich eh nie allein,aber ja hast recht zb pineapple expess :X

und solche hollywood action-movies guck ich auch nicht da die so vorhersehbar sind dass man sich die 1 1/2 stunden auch sparen kann
guck dir mal die filme vor 1970 vor allem vor 1960 an die in den top 100 sind...
ich hab mit psycho angefangen und hab echt ne krise bekommen von dem dreck den ich mir da angucken musste. ohne scheiss das ist einfach nur der übelste scheiss.. mag ja sein, dass es vor 50 jahren noch ne sensation war aber wenn man den jetzt zum ersten mal guckt ist das einfach nur der übelste dreck...

und vor allem die ganzen animationsfilme...
wie kann man denn wall-e, oben oder toy story 3 mit filmen wie fight club, forrest gump, pate unsw auch nur ansatzweise gleichstellen? ich hab keinen einzigen animationsfilm gesehen der es auch nur ansatzweise verdient hätte in die top50 zu kommen... könig der löwen und die letzten glühwürmchen waren geil aber sonst...

die besten komödien haben ne super beschissene wertung, wie hip hop hood, scary movie oder little nicky...

und horrorfilme haben generell ne zu beschissene wertung...
ausnahme rec... der ne 7,9 rating oder so hat aber einfach nur derbe scheisse war...
also ich glaub der älteste film den ich gesehen hab war dr schiwago und den fand ich wirklich gutt.trotzdem meide ich zu alte filme bzw schwarzweiß filme... guck ich mir auch nicht an,egal was fürn rating die haben..vielleicht später mal aber momentan hab ich da nicht so die lust drauf.
aber sonst is eigentlich bei 1970 schluss.alles darunter kann man sich echt nicht geben.hexenkessel ist trotz scorcese auch schon grenzwertig gewesen
generell muss ich dir aber recht geben, dass imdb dir wirklich gut als indikator dienen kann, man muss einfach nur damit umgehen können :D

komödien - unter 4,0 = wirklich scheisse, der rest is total random und kein guter indikator
animationsfilme - kannst eig direkt mindestens 1 oder 2 punkte abziehen
filme vor 1975 - 99% overrated, die meisten davon sogar nichmal guckbar
horrorfilme - das gleiche wie bei komödien
actionmovies mit hohen produktionskosten = mindestens nen punkt abziehen

frauen ab 45 raten film deutlich höher als die anderen gruppen = is bestimmt nen kack film
frauen ab 45 raten film deutlich tiefer als die anderen gruppen = is bestimmt nen geiler film
so sieht dat aus !
btw kennst den film?
bin normal kein anime bzw zeichentrick fan aber denk ich werd mit dem mal den anfang machen,aber nur wenn das nicht son kinderscheiss is
ne kenn ich nicht aber chihiros reise ins wunderland hat mich schon ziemlich enttäuscht auch wenn der noch recht unterhaltsam war
hm gut dann bleib ich erstma bei meiner must-see liste :)
wenn du dir nen anime oder zeichentrick anschauen willst dann empfehle ich dir "das letzte glühwürmchen"
ist auch kein kinderscheiss
this is not entirely true. i have seen tons of movies that have had ratings <6 that have been good experience to ME. imdb rating horror movies is a good example.. lots of good horrors with 5-6 rating.. lots of bad ones with 7-8 rating

not saying your technique fails, just saying that you might miss few movies with lower scored that you really like
yes thats true,but on the other side i have to make a cut somewhere,cant watch any movie out there so i gotta sort some stuff out.
but i will watch other movies will lower ratings too if im interested in a special genre,but that doesnt work with any genre else you will experience a lot of bullshit :D
how about watch movies that looks good?
how you mean that exactly?
you mean when it looks good when watching it (as to say good graphics :P),or do you mean movies which seem to be good or look promising?
well on the first:no,i dont watch movies which are based on good looks.its like with games,the best looking games have mostly the worst gameplay ;)
second:when a movie looks promising or when somebody who i know has a good taste of movies recommends it to me then i will watch it
i watched shitloads of 5-4 rated comedy movies, some which i highly enjoyed
and if i see a movie or get recommended a movie with a nice and interesting plot, then go ahead, fuck rating

why am i even bothering, its your very own life and very own decision, let alone your decision for what to experience, but you're missing, thats for sure
i dont watch comedy movies at all when im alone,so that means im watching whatever some friends have chosen,eventhough its not always my taste
about the rest i have generated my own imdb filters,else i would have a watch list of thousands of films..
or would you have watched "amelie" if it didnt have a good rating on imdb? i wouldnt..

im only watching good and amazing movies,i do not care about medicore movies
ROFL, totaly missed that movie somehow, gonna dl
remember all the talks about it when i was young
yeah its definitely worth it
shitty music
Looks interesting.
This is so old news lol...
... the fuck?
Watching movies based on imdb scores...

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