I just failed...

... my driving license exam... Im MAD now, cause was driving back to examination center and made stupid mistake... Urgh! I didnt make single error during whole time, so im pretty confident i'll pass next one...

[u can flame stupid polak now]
rofl, how shit you are
buy it on ebay.pl, like the rest of your country did...
it's a pity that good sense of humour can't be bought
QuoteCountry: PL

u mad?
not really, it's got nothing to do with my statement ;d
cisnij go Maciej, jak szmate!
looks like a polak idd
I'm not able to continue this discussion due to your powerful arguments.
stupid polak ahah
what stupid misstake?
he stopped to pick up a whore to celebrate ;)
most epic mistake at my exam was made by some chick who had the exam with me:
on big crossroads with trafficlight, there often are STOP labels mounted at the trafficlight, and in case the traffic light is deactivated, you have to stop there...
we were driving the rushhour when she had exam, the signal turned green and she drove to the line and just stopped, with like 300 cars behind us :DD

such stupidity doesnt deserve a driving license :D
lol, even im not SUCH stupid
oh yes you are
such = that*
what can i say: engrish is the best way to get inbox full :b
there is an easier way...just start talking to banaan ;)
that would be lame
that would be just too easy :D

and the real troll must troll even when no troll is involved !
ill try to explain it, even tho my road&driving wordbank is rather small :D

there was a cross with traffic lights, i was told to drive left... sadly i didnt spot i can do it from both lane roads... i was on left and should have stayed on left, but i went for right lane which could cause a collision...
Sucks :(

I remember that I used to ask that a lot (if i had to stay on the left lane), and he was always like "YE DOH WHY ELSE WOULD I TELL YOU THAT WERE GOING TO THE LEFT AFTER THIS" :p
there are no roads in poland, what you need a drivers license for.
I just had it this morning, u mad?
try in ukraine rly easy
You actually have exams for that in Poland you can fail for? How come all the polaks over here are so SHIT at driving then??
Polak mentality - if something is prohibited, make sure they dont capture you at breaking the rules...
ride a horse and wagon like most of your relatives
better luck next time ;D
HaRhAr NoOb
Quote[u can flame stupid polak now]

well would be nice if you finally can get a car so that we can meet or smth:D
have you ever seen anyone from another village? living in the mountains must suck :p
hah, sure I did:D

hitsu lives like 20kms from my place (not in mountains tho) but Ive met him only once, at lan...:D
UGS - underground gaming session or smth:D
what does he look like? he a fatty?
skinny nerd:D
serves you right. haha 22 and no license what an idiot you are..
wasnt interested in driving license till now... but such limited person as you wont understand...
oh, the polak is talking about limited persons. :DDDDDDD
that made no sense.
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