SNIPER: Ghost Warrior

yesterday i have done something I rarely (if never) do : I uninstalled a game before finishing it. as you can already guess the game was Sniper: Ghost Warrior.
For all those who haven't tested the game let me explain why this game, exept for a few exeptions, is pure shit.
So before i download a game, i usually watch the how the gameplay is by checking out a video on youtube, and since this game looked really descent i thought to give it a go. Especially since i had nothing to do these days after finishing mafia II (great game, too short, no sidemissions (wtf?), ugly ending) i downloaded sniper.

The game is not playable in hard mode if you have not the update (patch) installed, which can also be downloaded and is around 700mb. this fixes a few things, probably with the retarted AI as the most important element. Playing the game in hard mode without the patch you will see yourself getting shot by an enemy you can't even see over a distance of about 10km, not to mention their 100% acc over this distance. so if the update i downloaded did not fix these things , i was sure to delete this game. luckily it did. the thing that pushed me to uninstall this game was the invisible walls ALL over the maps. After playing about 3-4 missions i had a mission where i had to disable some AA-guns with c4-charges. after killing a few enemies with some well placed pwnage headshots , followed by a GREAT bulletcam if you make a perfect headshot, I wanted to fight and make my own way to these AA-guns. (the bulletcam is the only positive thing about this game, next to the nice gfx)
bullet cam:
another nice one:
so wanting to reach these AA-guns, i had to destroy 3 of 'em, i decided to go through the a river. then the biggest bullshit ever happened : i couldn't swim to shore , nor could i go back on land. invisible walls were EVERYWHERE. i wanted to swim back to the starting point: invisible wall. i wanted to swim to shore: invisible wall. I could reach shore in a certain area though, but the joke here was that i couldn't jump over a wooden barrier which was about 40cm high due to another invisble wall. Also this game , which is a so called stealth game does not allow you to go over certain miniscule obstacles in a crouched stance as you have to sprint and jump over rocks that stick out 10cm above the ground and obviously this completely blows your cover.

All this combined makes me think that it were pure retards which designed the game's movements and levels. obviously the invisible walls were to keep the levels scripted and to keep you from finishing the level the way you want to. sad thing cuz the game would have been much nicer with more freedom.

Anyway this was my experience on this game, so you can take it from someone who is pretty tolerant towards many games: this game is fun for the first 3-4 levels WITH the update2 (else it's unplayable, in hard mode) , afterwards it becomes pure shit, lineair, boring and really frustrating.
you should start working at gamers heaven!
nie jestes moi zaad warty
cool story bro
is he your brother?
nope. but maybe hes your sister?
could it really be :|
i bought a 100 dollar joystick
i like the sniper cam
nie jestes moi zaad warty
lekker, koffie?
straks neem ik een zwarte
ik heb er 2 op, drolllen
SNIPER: Ghost Warriorif FTW ..ofc if you like quiet share ;]
ofc if you like quiet share ;]
i do like it
nice review ^^
played it for 3 minutes, deleted.
deleted, before i played it!
good for you!
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