Happy Rosj Hasjana
8 Sep 2010, 09:46
Happy New Year to my fellow jewish oppressors! May 2010 be yet another year of cruelty and bombing gaza villages!
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
Enjoy feasting today Matan.
- Jewish lobby in Washington is very powerfull
- Even moderate Jews are very extreme / cannot debate rationally the situation in Palestina / Israel.
Immediatly the whole Jewish lobby attacked him calling him an anti semetist :D Basicly if you critisize Israel = nazi :DDDD They have been doing this for the past 50 years, any critism, no matter if it founded or rational is considered racism while they are the last country on earth which still has an apartheid regime :DDDD
Btw, I work with jews every day, got plenty of jew friends. Most if not all are very moderate Jews but discussing the situation in Israel with them jsut isnt possible. They loose all ratio and go bezerk whenever you mention muslims or palestina :)
In my personal experience, Jews are by far the most racist ppl i work with. Its not everyday you meet ppl who believe they are Gods Chosen ppl :) And plz, I cant help but laugh whenever you guys play the Shoa card over and over again :)
again, where exactly was the 'racism' in my post??? You should look up the meaning of racism :)