Secure Sockets Layer

Has anyone written any sort of project in it or know some good books about it, it's really a special subject here and can't seem to find any sort of highdegreed stuff about it :(
Try skooli/arni or evgeny/marcus!
check in aalborg
well its not really used anymore, TLS (Transport Security Layer ... not Thread Local Storage) is whats used nowadays - is there a specific reason why you want to use SSL?

You want to implement it in a language or you just want to know about the types of cryption used etc?
Well I'm writing my own langauge at the university, but want to know a bit more about the cryption used, and what causes it get to the individuall itself.
its all just normal packets sent with something like winsocket or berkleysocket between a server and client. The server and client begin with hello messages to set up the crypton so that all data from then on is encrypted and only the server and client can decrypt it and it finishes with a byebye message.

It uses SHA-1 and SHA-256 preferably and some cipher mode like CBC or AES but basically there are lots of variations and it depends how the program implements it. Its easy to use in .NET and otherwise the operating system provides libs to deal with it for example I think it can be done with winsock 2 SDI and windows cryption services (but more complex to implement). It would be extremely difficult to do in your own programming language! (I don't really know what you mean by your own language but if you've made your own fully fledged compilable language.. congrats :o.. maybe you can figure it out ;) )

*Edit: a well known implementation
Thanks. Mostly I wanted to know which of Secure Hash Algorithms it used, but seems like you cleared it out.

Well me and my group here are working and are in the late events of finishing it, so should be done here soon hopefully.

Thanks a lot.
You can't read anyway.
I owned you yesterday
How's that? We didn't do anything competitive as far as I remember.
I trolled you, that is quite competitive.
You trolled Eli for sure, I knew what was going on. SRSLY.
sure you did
and u dont provide tits ?

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