
Where is the nations team newsspam I am waiting for?
Only switzerland and croatia yet!

Anonymous will come shortly

image: tits5
Team Black Flag for the win ps. nice pic
nice pic!
Portuguese lineup soon (friday)
czech doesent have captain yet :o
nobody wants to play 5on5 thats the reason
100% agree :D
United Kingdom will never have a lineup.

We will just whine about it for the next 4 months on then realise that we've actually missed NC. The forums will die for a month because everyone gets bored, then someone will make a post announcing "OMG GUYS NATIONSCUP IN 10 MONTHS WE NEED TO MAKE A TEAM AND PRACTICE COSS LYK I SAW SOME OTHER TEAM DO IT IN A PRAC", and the cycle will continue.

(note: The UK team is actually pretty obvious... I don't know where it all comes from)
germany will start a 6on6 NC soon i heard. so all teams start building ur 6on6 team ;D
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