Math and it's funny sides

Matrices, Vectors, and Systems of Linear Equations & Gaussian Elimination. My ass..................

Never hated math this much ..........

Soooo booring

image: 00630-funny-cartoons-math-brain

image: 00435-funny-cartoons-math-equation
passed it at my abitur some months ago

already forgot everything again tho

btw: Matrices, Vectors = EASY
moar attention whore plox :D:D:D:D:D
what you mention is easy math...
math is a language all you have to do is learn it! i love maths <3
any part of math that doesn't involve only numbers is retarded.
then you mean everything above the 6th class
adi you should quit school and become a professional Florist assistant
oh,its not too bad...
once you got the point of all that its not too hard anymore...
and exactly thats the beauty of math... there always is just a system you need to understand and then you can do awesome stuff with it
Well I kinda understand almost everything of it. I love the rush it gives you when you finally understand it.

It's just so booring currently.
oh ask me...
i study technical physics which is basically math only..
we really got exams of a very high level of maths.
but when you finally get some of those exams done, its starting to get interesting.
though i sill need linear algebra exam from the first semester and i m currently in the 7th :DD
i hate that shit
if h tends to 0 you get an non defined solution. + or - oo
wait wut?
you need math to calculate how much money you would earn with the aalborg lan
Matrices, Vectors, and Systems of Linear Equations & Gaussian Elimination

Age: 21 ( 28 August 1989 )

It's mostly some basic math that we need to rememorize again since we're about to write a project about it :)
stick to making up lan events..
QuoteMath and it's funny sides (14 comments)

QuotePosted by bee on Thursday 9th September 2010, 14:28
+1 if you didn't read the comments but pressed "CTRL+F" and typed "LAN"
didn't do it at first but tried later and first result is language by DeMeNtEd
that's why you can't get proper date for lan? counting is too hard? :x
Having maths atm...
Full of win :->
well pretty easy tbh
Gaussian elimination is computationally slooooow, usually you're better approximating it with some numerical method
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