Genetics fail

Ok for those of you who don't know I am currently in Tanzania to do some charity work and climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

Charity work was awesome - enough said.

Training for Kilimanjaro I cycled 25 miles (bout 40km) a day, ran 4 half marathons (13.1 miles) over 2 months and ran 3/4 10km runs a week.
Unfortunately I inherited high blood pressure from my father's side of the family, meaning my resting blood pressure is around 170 over 120, with a pulse of 105-115 with blood oxygen percentage 98%

Pre-agreed with my guide that if my pulse went above 140 I would climb no further. Whole climb I was fine, got to Baranco point, 2km from summit, pulse was checked and it was 160 with blood oxygen 72%, felt perfectly fine, but as a result I now face 2 days with no friends in Moshi, FML.

No friends in person, e-rant over. Speak of your genetic fails so we may comfort eachother.
You should have taken Nonix with you. He'd climb that mountain with his bike - np.
take some betablockers or something
Resting pulse 105-115?! Have fun dying in your thirties pal.

Edit: Good effort on the mountine though.
Thanks man - I just hope to have you by my side ;)
How was the humidity on the climb, killer? :D
you could try checking your whole body on allergies..
my father has suffered high blood pressure his entire life and now (he s 55) he checked his body on allergies and they found out his as an allergy on histamines, which can cause him high blood pressure...
he totally lived without histamines the past 2 months and his blood pressure became pretty normal again.
good job so far :)
thats a shame :(
so if I understood correctly, you cant reach the peak?
Based on fitness alone with normal blood pressure - no problem.
Based on my blood pressure they're not comfortable taking me in case I have a heart attack (fitness makes no differenc)
so ye I understood correctly :P
its a shame tho, reaching such a mountain is great achievement, u must be really disappointed :(
Massively dissapointed BUT had a great time while up there, I can always try again, if I had a heart attack etc. then I wouldn't be able to - no worries, hakuna matata.
Can't think of any genetic problem with me, I guess I'm an übermensch.
atleast u aint ginger
i got a small penis from my father...
Listen to this man, he's got some serious issues!
Well that sucks >_> I've never been on a climb that high, only been skiing at fairly high altitudes, kinda wanna do some trip like that someday.
I got low pressure and it sucks.
love you Mashed!
I've got low blood pressure

Sometimes I nearly faint due to it :<
high blood pressure!
are you my brother from another mother? :-)
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