allocate temp memory failed

Anybody knows how to solve it? Used to happen only after radar round, now on gr as well.
try increasing com_hunkmegs
buy new memory sticks
Play around with your hunkmegs.

Quote by Second hit on google"Hunk allocate tempmemory fail on [number]" Error

This means that ET doesn't have enough memory to load a map.


- Start ET - don't join any server

- open console (` or ~ key usualy below Esc)

- type "/com_hunkmegs [number]", [number] being 2/3 of your RAM in MB. If you set it to anything from 120 higher you should be alright. Don't set it above 512 tho.

- close ET (you can just type /quit)

- start the ET again (again don't join any server)

- open console

- type "/com_hunkmegs"; the console should say "com_hunkmegs is:[number] default:56". If that [number] is what you entered 4 steps above you're set, if not try doing the last 5 steps again - if it won't help PM me
tried that, didnt help though
Run a memtest
alright, i'll let u know the result. These are the settings I'm using atm :

seta com_hunkMegs "512"
seta com_soundMegs "128"
seta com_zoneMegs "128"

The weird thing is, these are the settings I've been using for 2 years and this error started happening 4 months ago.
no errors on memtest:<
stop playing NQ and jaymod :/
got it fixed. I've erased all default configs - etmain/profile and etpro/profile and it works now. I guess there was a conflict in one of them.
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