
So I started playing with a logitech mx518 in June and it all went great, I also used Rinput at that time cause h8m3 adviced me to use it and alot of othe guys =) so it all tracked nice etc but then in July I stopped gaming and we (Benelux aestas) did not went to lan.

So last week I started playing again but my aim was kinda not smooth anymore and I first thought that it was because of fucked up glides or mousemat.. I could never get the acc's I used to in June even when I played a lot.. So now 10minutes ago I decided to not use it for 1 time and suddenly my tracking is again smooth :/

It doesn't make any sense to me how the program somehow first worked fine in June and then now it's just pure shit? I did not install any other mouseprograms like usbrate stuff or smth :/ so can some pls explain me how this comes?

image: tumblr_l77tx9WMzx1qb2eyw
aim is all about your brain !
All in the mind, mannnnnnnnnnnnn
no it's seriously not :D I'm 100% sure of that. I played enough to know that this was the problem of my unsmooth feeling
It's magic.
rinput does nothing
implying you mean that it doesn't cause the aim to be not smooth, than you're right, but it definitely is useful..
I know it's supposed to be awesome.. In June I didn't notice any problems but right now it's really not working properly in here
I don't know what the issue might be, sorry for not being able to help..
maybe its useful, but how does it improve your aim ? its only placebo
it does improve your aim due to fixing wrong settings (i.e.high cpi mouse)
i hope u will fix this, gl nice guy
heres some modified rinPut app , works pretty smooth @ xp/win7 + auto 500 hz change

How is it supposed to work ?
is that even legit?
almost same here but my problem is with mousedrivers first i install it everything ok im powning then out of curiosity i unistall the drivers and play it with xp drivers itself im starting to hit like shit retarted mousebehavior + unstable aim feeling then i install it again because i was powning with it now it becomes even worse after that i say fuck it im gonna unistall it cant be worser then its right now! suddenly it works like a charm wtf
nice egoquit mate :DD
Had highest damage so was a happy one, Celebrity juice was on so couldn't afford to miss it :P
btw is rinput working with slac?
rinput sucks
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