Proland Haxors

image: polska

Just curious about the number of busted polaks in the recent list.
Not that it surprises me but why is this? after reading lots of love comments towards polaks I just wonder why 70% of cheaters in this game are Poland.

Is this normal in other games such as COD or CS?
Is it just cause most players are from Poland.. which I doubt.

After 3 years of playing this game I still dont get it... at first I was surprised when I read at IRC people searching scrim and writing "no polaks" and the hate in crossfire.

Feel sorry for the clean players from Poland :)

image: 29dbyaf
Thats the hate
Answer: They dont give a fuck
Who gives a damn about cheaters, all you need to know is that I rock!
in my opinion the majority of the et players comes from poland

probably nl has about the same amount of playerst, u have 23 cheaters out 30 in that list.
nice engrish

most retards still come from holland, no offense
yes, ive got engrish skills because i wrote "playerst" instead of players as a typo.

learn what engrish means?-.-

and none taken, im not dutch.
i dont care where ur from :s

i just stated my point :/
u said no offense, i said none taken as im not dutch-.-' i didnt even tell u where im comming from-.-' jeeez
polaks likes to do stuff what doesnt recuire skill thats the main reason :)
just wondering how retarded you are on a scale of 1 to 10.
Can't be touched
Can't be stopped
Can't be moved
Can't be rocked
Can't be shook
Age: 17 ( 13 February 1993 )

End of coversation with you
looks like nationality & age are yours best arguments. it doesn't matter where did you born, but who you became. just like this journal, what is this all about? 70% of cheaters are from poland? where the fck did you take those numbers?

most of cheaters at that slac list have been busted more than 10 times before - they just keep coming back. you play this game for 3 years, so you have no clue about this game at all. 6 years ago, ppl were whining about jews, now its about polish guys.

still most of players who whine are just kids with plenty of ignorance. unlike them, i couldn't choose country for my birth but i dont give a flying duck - am in for open-minded mates. btw dont you have better things to do? you're twenty six but trying to figure out some senseless stuff :E am 6 years younger but at least i try to handle my life at decent level (yes - even though i live in poorland)
wtf are you talking about man? I would like to reply seriously to something you said but it makes nonsense, I was called retard by someone 10 year younger just for making a serious question about polak hackers in this game.

I play the game for 3 years cause I came from RTCW 3 years ago, so don't give me lessons about the game thanks.

Have not insulted people from Poland or whatever, was just questioning this thing, learn to read kurwa.
ze fak?

chyba cie dotkneli tym zurnalem :D
Member For: 4 months and 1 day

widze ze ciebie dotkneli nie tylko journalem XD
ok i'll do it properly

- you said he's 17 yo from canada, how is his nationality related to what is he typing?

- you said 70% of cheaters are from poland. show me statistics then or w/e its based on.

- you asked how does it look like in other games, even though you can check it by urself @ clanbase.

- you said you come from rtcw, however ur account doesn't prove that. what was your previous nick? shacktar, gnx, jun1or, laray? try me.

but the most important is, shouldn't you take care about ur life instead of wondering why polish people hack online?
hmmm after reading this i started to wonder where your hate towards me is based on then ...
there's no hate towards you meight, i just don't want bigger buddylist :C
Age: 26 ( 26 October 1983 )

are you suppose to be mature or something?
i explained that pretty well, i think (check above ;D)
ye i saw :) well pwned
yes, I'm supposed to be mature not to reply calling you retard. And being 10 years older than you, imagine what you look for me.
cuanto tiempo cerda, aún juegas a esto?
sigo owneando, pero solo en publicos...nadie me quiere :<
most of them are just cheaters who play under other nick after being banned, rest are just angry randoms who should be just banned & ignored
and you should be banned for your racist act :) die in carfire skurwysynie
are you serious? :DD
Racism? What in those sentences are racism? =DDDDD
it's prejudice not rasict :$
well, polish playerbase is the biggest and its logic we got the most cheaters... on the other hand they are mostly randoms who never played CB or ESL...

PS: fuck you kanker hairless polak cheater scumbag cunts!
bs, NL has about the same amount.
u wish...

dont forget Poland got bigger population, and most of polish kids cant afford cod4 or CS... they play free games like ET... just random pub server and ask whos from poland :D
as ai said about teh same amount...
dude u havea huge community but NlL has about the same amount of players and same for germany
there are 17739 users on polish community site... how many users @ nl community site? :>
there is no nl community site thats why what u say is bs, you should ask cf and see how many users there is here from each country
23 out of 30 cheaters, you are ridiculous
then ur unable to say that nl community is even close to polish one...

i gave u numbers, i won...
no u did not, simply because theres no such thing as NL et community u dumbass, want me to ask krosan how many ppl theres here from each country? then it wud be accurated as here theres the whole et community
no its not whole community... stop joking... et is not about crossfire, krosan is faggot, never belive him...
oh right but is surely the community.

look dude u dont get alonbg with this, u guys have biggest % of cheaters per amount of players
if NL has 20 out of 100 u have easily 45
So there are plenty of public servers out there running SLAC then ?
no but they play random scrims
From 1941-1945 poland was a big ghetto, all polak with an IQ >100 were killed the rest was left behind for a bomb test which should've been in january 1946 but the allies intercepted this plan...
shiiit war ended a few months early :<
hahaha wow you rly lack of history knowledge:D
no, it's not.
I think it's caused by the fact that the group of so called 'oldschool' & 'known' polish players form a very tight and closed group. 'Random' polish players are maybe frustrated by this fact, they don't wanna waste their time to improve, but they want to compete on higher level and become known ;d
czy ja zaliczam sie do tej oldskulowej grupy zawodnikow? nie zapominaj ze prawie Cie rozjebalem na lanie :DDDD
wow you might be oldschool and "known" somehere but you are like med-
wow, you missed the point, again
HAHAHAHA Kuba ego + 10 :D

zostaw Macieja w spokoju :<
it's the same in alot of other games also, yes.
in Cod2 & Cod4 it's not like though, there aren't many polaks banned, there are X5 more hungarians and x2 more dutch
hehe barely seen any polaks in CoD2 though :-p
maybe it's because they have to pay to buy cod2&cod4 and paying for hax is expensive as well :))
maybe your too old for this game
I wonder what playes in their 30's would think about your comment.
maybe just ask them if you really want to know ?
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